4 Sunday
Suffered from cold and weak after return from Graford. Weather cold and disagreeable. No meeting of Sunday School teachers Wednesday night.
This morning the weather is good. Sunday School attendance small – offering $5.00. C.W.B.M. Day. I preach sermon on their work – "A Thousand Times One" the subject.
Dinner with Penix. Postponed Thanksgiving dinner.
The women occupy the evening hour with interesting program. Offering over $20.
5 Monday
Take 2:00 p.m. train for Ft. Worth en route to Sherman for Lectureship. Take Frisco for Sherman, arriving at 9 p.m. Put up at Binkley Hotel.
6 Tuesday
At Central Christian Church, Sherman for Lectureship, opening at 10 a.m.
Am assigned to Sister Gregory – daughter of Bro. Dimmitt – for lunch. Afterwards change to Dr. J.O. Mathews. Bro. E. L. Powell of Lousiville, Kentucky, the chief lecturer.
First paper by Bro. Jewett of Austin. Subject of paper: "Christ in Prophecy" a very well-prepared, thoughtful paper. Bro. Powell’s sermon "The Transfiguration of Jesus" came next. A very powerful sermon.
7 Wednesday
Powell’s sermon on the "Secret of Appreciation" was truly great – from text "All things are yours" Faith – Affinity – Cooperation; these were the divisions of his subject.
7:30 p.m. J.O. Shelburne read paper on "Jesus’ Testimony Concerning Himself." A good paper, but subject not appropriate. Proof of Jesus’ Sonship would have been more appropriate.
"The Royalty of Man" was Bro. Powell’s subject tonight. A masterly address, as usual with him.
8 Thursday
The last, and most interesting, day of the Lectureship. Bro. Powell delivers three addresses today. "The Great Salvation", the morning subject. This selection is great by reasons of 1. Author; 2. Content; 3. Confirmation; 4. The Cross.
Afternoon subject, "The Authority of Christian Union" – a paper. Evening subject: "Citizenship in the Republic".
This closes one of our best lectureships. Attendance small, but exercises first class. E.L. Powell is a wonderful man. He well sustained his very great reputation.
9 Friday
Leave the hospitable home of Dr. Mathews at 6:30 a.m. Take Interurban for Dallas at 7 a.m. Reach Dallas at 10 a.m. Call at Raymond’s office and get direction out to his house. Find Bessie and the boys in fine health.
Letter from Zemula to Bessie received this p.m. gives bad news of Ray’s serious accident.
10 Saturday
Got to Union Station on 6:30. T.P. behind time. A thief steals my overcoat right from under my nose.
Get to Ft. Worth too late for Mineral Wells train. Lunch at terminal.
At Mineral Wells by 6 p.m. A few letters and some papers waiting my return.
11 Sunday
Another milestone on the journey of life. Sixty & Eight are the years of my life measured by the calendar of months; measured by deeds, I feel that I have reached only the noontide – yea, the morning, of life. May the good Father enable me to so number my years that I may get a heart of wisdom.
Attendance at Sunday School 75. Church audience small. Some that I ___ not returned from Lectureship. "Shall We Crown or Crucify?" my subject. Suggested by Sunday School lesson.
Evening audience better. "The Measure of a Man’s Life", my subject. A birthday sermon. The effect was somewhat tame I thought.
12 Monday
Good letter from Zemula, telling of Ray’s improvement. Their neighbors have been very kind. May the Father reward them for their kindness. Our misfortunes, not our fortunes, reveal to us our true friends.
13 Tuesday
An all day rain – not hard but constant. This will make glad the heart of the dry old earth and the hearts of the tillers of the earth.
Beginning to make some Christmas purchases. As usual, am puzzled over the problems.
14 Wednesday
Card from Zemula tells of coming of Mr. James Farley. He will stay till Ray is able for duty. Noble fellow!
Got the Christian Century today – day ahead of time. This will be set off by the Christian Courier being 3 days behind time. The Century contains articles from a goodly number of State Mission Secretaries approving the plan of inaugurating a Christian Union revival – especially in the villages and small towns. Just for the purpose of arousing enthusiasm on the subject.
15 Thursday
"Eve’s Second Husband" by Corra Harris, the author of A Circuit Rider’s Wife, has reached the 4th chapter in Saturday Evening Post, received today. The writer, as usual, is ___ some of the deep mysteries of our human nature. I give a few quotations from this chapter:
"You can save your husband now and then from the consequences of his folly, but you cannot reform him or recreate him in your own moral likeness – not if he is worthy of the name of man."
"He can be just as moral as any woman, but he has three or four virtues not common to us, just as we have five or six not common to him. However, when you add up, the totals are about the same."
"When a woman begins to get the use of words like anguish and resignation she has really got her own little snivellling divorce without any aids from the courts; and if she continues to live with her husband it is a relation as ugly as tho it were illicit. She has ceased to be his better half, and is working on her crown of thorns and practicing her role of martyrdom. She does not know it, but she has really turned against him. This is the most common form of marital infidelity in the world."
"After a young wife passes out of the wedding-ring glamour of the first year of her marriage she is more than apt to be in the state of a chicken with her head cut off. Her wings keep on moving, but her mind does not."
18 Sunday
Bright, beautiful day. All the pulpits in city occupied by prohibition speakers.
Marian Brown, newly elected representative from Ft. Worth, speaks at our church. Mr. Eichelberger speaks at the Carlsbad Pavilion at 3 p.m.
Officers meeting at our church at 4 p.m. Considered matter of pay for the electric light equipment of the church – $33.25 the bill. Instructed our secretary & treasurer, Miss Young, to collect the bill and pay it. Reelected our Sunday School Superintendent, Assistant & Secretary for the year 1911.
Union service at our church at 7-30 p.m. Brown & Faulk chief speakers. House cramped full of people.
19 Monday
Pastors’ meeting at 10 a.m. at Bro. Down's study. Plan for Union service at 1st Presbyterian Church Sunday night, 25th.
Get Christmas package for Ray & Zemula ready for express.
20 Tuesday
Mail Bessie’s Christmas presents. Getting everything ready to leave for holiday at Comanche.
22 Thursday
Leave on 7 a.m. train for Ft. Worth. On Frisco 3:20 p.m. for Comanche.
Lyman meets me with auto, and I am soon with the loved ones. All well and happy over Christmas premonitions. Carl’s and Annie’s presents for sister & children already arrived.
23 Friday
Bright beautiful day. All go out in auto to get tree for the children. It is soon established in front room ready for its fruit.
24 Saturday
The three happy children busy most of the day hanging presents on the tree. Many beautiful and nicely chosen presents for all. Happy children! Blessed day! is Christmas with the Santa Claus spirit.
25 Sunday
Am wakened by shouts of the children as they unload their stockings – full from toe to top.
I go to church. Bro. Dickey, the pastor, preaches on "The Name". Communion service omitted by reason of neglect to prepare emblems.
Good attendance at Sunday School. Preaching audience small.
I preach at evening service. Fairly good Christmas audience. "Jesus at the Door" my subject. Not feeling first rate. Disturbed some by noisy children.
28 Wednesday
The few days set apart to spend with Lyman, Jessie and their three bright, happy interesting children, are slipping rapidly away.
I unite in marriage Ernest Lanford and Mary Lee at the Lee home at 6:30 p.m.
29 Thursday
Up earlier than usual to get ready for the morning Frisco Eastbound. Some rain last night. Brisk weather this morning.
After hearty, but very good, breakfast, Lyman takes me in his auto to the train. Joe Clark takes train at Granbury. Dinner at Terminal Hotel.
3:00 p.m. T & P. for Weatherford. Bro. Mobley meets me. Spend night at the Irby home. All the children and the two grandchildren there.
30 Friday
The Mobley’s leave at 8 a.m. taking Sister Bushman with them. I leave for Mineral Wells at 10 a.m.
31 Saturday
The close of another year. How rapidly the years come and go! "So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom" This petition of the psalmist should be that of every child of God.
I have just finished tonight the outline of my morning sermon for the new year. My subject is, Now – the infinite and ever present. Old as time; new as the rising sun. Forgetting the failures and mistakes and heartaches that are behind, let us press forward. The Lord is our Helper.