1 Tuesday
Leave on early train. Stop at Stephenville. Spend the day at the Holloway home. Bro. Randolph, Sister Ella and Esther live with them.
Call at Judge King’s in afternoon. Have pleasant call from Mr. & Mrs. Chamberlin after supper.
2 Wednesday
Attend chapel exercises at John Tarleton College. Make brief talk. Pretty good lot of students.
On train for Ft. Worth. Bro. Randolph goes as far as Granbury. Bro. Owens gets on at Granbury. Call at T.C.U. few minutes while waiting for my train.
Reach Mineral Wells on time. No one at prayer meeting.
3 Thursday
Prepare and mail to members of church pastor’s letter & c for state missions.
5 Saturday
Some rain today. Turns cool.
6 Sunday
Bright, beautiful day. Some improvewment in Sunday School from preceding Sunday.
Audience fairly good. State Missions Day. Preach on: "Christ for Texas, and Texas for Christ." Offering about $25.00.
Dine with Percy Smith & wife.
Officers’ meeting at 4 p.m. Several matters discussed. Vote against my holding the Grayford meeting, which I had agreed with Bro. Webb to hold.
Church Rally at night. Good audience – program well received. Encouraging results.
8 Tuesday
Leave on 2:30 p.m. train for Ft. Worth to attend Sunday School Conference.
A very small audience at First Christian to hear the address of the evening. Cephas Shelburne of Dallas and Bro. Bradford, of Thorp Spring, delivered excellent addresses to about 30 people – most of them the representative members of the church.
Spend the night at Mansion Hotel.
9 Wednesday
Bretheren Hopkins, Shepard, Thornton and Hackleman arrive this morning.
The morning program a very profitable one. Audience still small, but increases some before noon. Several from T.C.U.
Bro. Randolph comes at noon. Afternoon audience increased considerably from T.C.U. Inspiring, helpful program. Shepard’s address on "Christ vs. Paganism" was very fine indeed.
At 10 p.m. Bro. Randolph takes Frisco and I take T.P. Stop at Weatherford and spend night at Monfort Hotel.
10 Thursday
Excellent breakfast at the Monfort. Take Mineral Wells train at 10:15 - home by 11-30.
Weather remains very beautiful.
13 Sunday
Sunday School attendance 89. Fairly good audience. Beautiful day; no fires needed.
Morning sermon: Matt. 18:3. Good impression.
Omit dinner.
Evening audience not so good. "The Greatest Problem of the Church," the subject. I developed three propositions in proof that the Sunday School problem is the greatest.
Wrote long letter to Zemula & Ray after church.
15 Tuesday
Cool and cloudy early. Begins raining about 10 a.m. and continues nearly all day.
16, 17, 18 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Continues cool and cloudy. Letter from Zemula on Thursday. Everything moving smoothly on the Ray Ranch. Getting ready to market their turkeys.
On Friday comes off the final game of football between T.C.U. and Baylor at Ft. Worth.
19 Saturday
T.C.U. 3 - Baylor 10, report of yesterday’s game. Quite an improvement in former game at Waco. 52 – 0 favor of Baylor.
Go up to Grayford [sic] this evening for few days meeting.
At Graford – terminus of this M.W.R.R.
Stop at the Lamar home. Bro. & Sister Lamar, Mother Houts and the son Houts Lamar comprise the family at home. Miss Mabel at John Tarleton College.
20 Sunday
Have pretty fair beginning audience. Baptists have preaching in M.E. Church. "The Model Church" my morning sermon. Bro. & Sister Ginzel unite with congregation.
Meeting at 3 p.m. Preach my Sunday School sermon on "The Greatest Problem of the Church." At 7 p.m. "God’s Power of Saving Sinners."
Weather very fine.
21 Monday
Services at 10 a.m. about 20 people present. Workmen finishing some inside work and ___ the pews. Take lesson from Jer. 1.
Bro. Lamar and I go out to Bro. Dave Riders in afternoon. Rider not at home. See Sister Rider and Miss Elsie.
Meeting at 7 p.m. Cost and Worth of Being a Christian.
22 Tuesday
Meeting at 11 a.m. Bro. Webb has come, being preacher at Mineral Wells Sunday. Small number this morning
Weather remains charming.
27 Saturday
Continued the meeting all the week – 11 a.m. 7 p.m.
Weather remained charming till today, when a very blustery norther arose, cutting our audiences down very much, and spoiling the anticipated climax of interest.
Bro. Webb left Saturday morning for his appointment at Palo Pinto. Houts Lamar united with the congregation at night service. He has ___ obeyed the gospel.
Morning sermon: "For What Does This Church Stand?" Evening sermon: "Who is the Wise Man?"
Meeting class – My efforts were to strengthen this little band, starting off in their new and beautiful home. I trust good was done in this way.