1 Saturday
On early train for Mineral Wells via Ft. Worth. Call at T.C.U. for few minutes.
Back at Mineral Wells by 6 p.m. No letter from the Ray Ranch. Am anxious to hear about Bessie’s plans for coming down.
2 Sunday
Sunday School attendance 75. Small audience at preaching. "Be Ye Ready" the subject.
Dinner with Bro. & Sister Penix.
Officer’s meeting at 4 p.m. Committee appointed to raise back dues on song books and pastor’s salary.
Evening services omitted on account of revival meetings at M.E. and Baptist Churches. I hear Bro Coale at M.E. Church. Old fashioned orthodox sermon on Hell. Very forcible sermon.
3 Monday
Attend meeting of M.E. Church at 10 a.m. "How to be ___ ___" the subject of Mr. Coale’s sermon. Very strong, earnest sermon.
Palo Pinto County Fair opens today. Attend morning meeting at M.E. Church. Go to Fair afternoon.
Attend meeting at night. Mr. Coale is a very earnest, and I think sincere man. He is a little dogmatic and very bold.
5 Wednesday
Great day of the Fair. Street parade is quite creditable for small city. Great crowd out at Fair grounds. Do not attend the revival services today or night.
6 Thursday
Last day of the Fair.
Attend morning services at M.E. Church. Mr. Coale reads from what he calls "The ___ thiest chapter of the Bible" – Rom. 6. He differs from the most eminent Biblical scholars and commentators of all churches, his son as well.
Go to Fair in afternoon to baby show.
7 & 8 Friday & Saturday
Attend services at M.E. Church each morning. Fairly good morning audiences. Sermons by Bro. Coale full of ___.
On Saturday morning his subject is on "Perfect Consecration" – giving as illustration chapters from his own life.
On Friday evening I called at the Penix home and spent couple hours, talking over church matters.
9 Sunday
Sunday School 74 in attendance. Moderate sized audience. "From What and For What Are We Saved?" This is Christian Courier day. Take list of subscribers.
Omit evening services on account of the revival at M.E. Church. Attend the revival. Have preached to utmost capacity. Sermon on Heaven. Services protracted to late hour.
10 Monday
Get some other names for the Courier.
Occasional sprinkle of rain thru the day.
11 Tuesday
Bro. Ham Taylor of Palo Pinto died about 1:30 this morning, and I am requested to attend his funeral. Go over with Robt Hale in livery rig. Get there about 12:30.
Take dinner at Bro. Frank Clenis.
Funeral about 4:30 p.m. Large crowd out – exercises at cemetery. Thus we laid to rest a faithful soldier of the cross. In a few months of 65 years of age. Had obeyed the gospel some 34 years ago under preaching of Gen. Gano.
Promising rain all day, but only a light sprinkle in this part of the cemetery.
12 Wednesday
Very few at prayer meeting. Study the Sunday School lesson for next Sunday.
14 Friday
Card from Jessie tells of the advent of Bessie’s new boy, Thursday 13, 1:30 p.m. Mother and child doing well.
15 Saturday
Call by request to see the Misses Leslie, Wichita & Moore. Formerly of Waco. The younger sister wishes position as piano and ___ in some good school.
16 Sunday
Sunday School Rally Day. Attendance and offerings doubled from last Sunday. A very interesting and edifying program, taking all the morning hours.
Evening audience better than usual. Subject of sermon: "The Duty of the Hour"
17 Monday
Committee on church finances meets at W.H. Penix. Some very profitable consultation and planning. Appoint special committee of one to collect balance due on song books and piano; and committee to get up program for church rally, 1st Sunday night in November.
18 Tuesday
"God never needs to be persuaded to send us a blessing. But God needs to be enabled to send as the blessings that he is eager to send, by our permitting them to come, and by our establishing with him that connection without which he cannot send them. And this comes to pass in prayer.
As Stuart Holden has well expressed it: ‘Prayer is not the overcoming of God’s reluctance, it is the taking hold of God’s willingness!' God’s willingness is simply God’s will; and he cannot bless us, as he would, unless we take hold of his will, and let him make it our will." Sunday School Times.
John Stuart Mill said of John Sterling:
"Even by your mere existence you do more than many by their laborious efforts."
19 Wednesday
Light showers thru the day, and heavy rain tonight.
"A revival in Gods cause commonly begins by repairing the damages of the ___ which made the revival a necessity. If there is a coldness in the church, its best cure is not in looking up new converts, but through stirring up old members. A dead-and-alive prayer-meeting calls rather for more praying for the "saints" than for more ‘sinners’ to be prayed for." Trumbull
20 Thursday
All night rain, and a cool norther this morning.
21 Friday
Heavy frost this morning. Clear and cool all day.
Meet with committee at Dr. Sanger’s tonight, to organize program for "Rally Day" – Nov. 6 - 7 p.m.
23 Sunday
Bright, beautiful day.
Quite a falling off in Sunday School attendance. The Dallas Fair and other holiday attractions partly cause. Audience small. Preached from Luke 9:51
Evening audience some better. Subject "What Must I do to be Saved?" A question for both saint and sinner.
24 Monday
An interesting pastors meeting at Methodist Church, 10. a.m. This our regular time and place of meeting.
26 Wednesday
At Weatherford tonight – at Dr. Irby’s – on my way to Comanche to District Convention.
Got phone message of Katie Brockman’s death.
27 Thursday
Leave on 8 a.m. train for Ft. Worth – 3:20 p.m. for Granbury. Go out to Thorp Spring with Mr. Lewis in his buggy. Stop with Med and Mary.
28 Friday
Dr. Brockman and family, with sister Ida, Earl & Tommie and Lula Brockman Hills, arrive with the body about 9 a.m. Bro. Randolph comes from Stephenville at noon. Buried about 2 p.m.
Bro. Randolph and I leave on 5 p.m. train – he for Stephenville, I for Comanche. All well at Lyman’s. Bessie is up and baby doing well.
Convention open tonight. I do not attend.
29 Saturday
Exercises begin at 9:30 a.m. Brs. Randolph, Holloway and Stapp come on morning train. Fred Chandler, the president of the convention, not being present, Bro. Stapp is elected to preside. Several delegates present from different counties.
Program carried pretty well. Stapp, Randolph and I assigned to Judge Goodson’s for home during the the convention.
Bro. Owens, State Bible School, Secretary, Speaks at night in place of Bro. Mason, who is kept home by sickness of his wife.
30 Sunday
Speaker this morning. Good afternoon program by the C.W.B.M.
I preach at night – Luke 9:51. Good and profitable Convention. Much interest assured.
31 Monday
Spend day at Lyman’s. Delightful time with these dear ones.