September 1910

1 Thursday
Have letter from Lee Cennany, Weatherford. R.F.D. No. 2, offering $10 a month for our Thorp Spring home. Write him he can have it, if Bro. Randolph does not want it for ___.

2 & 3 Friday & Saturday
Hot winds – distressingly dry and windy.

Feasting on cantaloupes & watermelons from Ray’s patch. This about all he gets from all his planting – few tomatoes and few beans.

Carbuncle on finger still very bad.
4 Sunday
Not so warm today. Windy, but cloudy.

Jas Farley spends the day with us. Did not go to church on account of sore finger. Zemula & Bessie get up excellent dinner. Ice cream experiment a failure. No freezer.

Christian Courier received today. A short article sent two weeks ago not yet in print. Continuation of M.M. Davis long speech at Educational Convention. ___'s piece duplicated.

Outlook for Sept. 3 unusually good. Abbott’s tenth chapter on The Spirit of Democracy – In Government – especially good. "The Progressives Past and Present", by Roosevelt, first-rate.

I note some sentences of The Abbott article.
His definition of law:
"Law is the nature of the thing of which it is predicated". This definition is Hebraie in its origin, he says, and refers to the 19th Ps. as illustration. He does not regard this Psalm as two, as does Briggs and others. The first part of the psalm he thinks is speaking of the operation of the law in the physical universe; the latter part is its operation in the spiritual world."

"Liberty is voluntary obedience to self-enforced law."

"It is the understanding of law, obedience to law, the use of law."

"A man is not free to jump off the roof of a house and fly like a bird. If he attempts it, he will find himself on the ground with a broken leg and not free to walk on the earth. He is free to
fly when he understands the laws of aerial navigation and flies in obedience to them."

"A man’s relation to law may be either one of three relations: he may disregard law; he may submit to law; he may use law … Disregard of law is suicide, obedience to law is health, use of law is power."

5 Monday
Norther this morning. J. Farley left early while others were still asleep. Still very dry, and in middle of day very warm for Plains climate.
Nothing unusual on the Ray Ranch. Keeping the cow out of the home patch and out of Overhill’s sunflower patch gives pretty consistent exercise to Ray and me.

10 Saturday
Ray goes to city in afternoon for ice. The cow gets outside, and I hunt her till dark. Ray after returning hunts her by moonlight till 9:30 – no cow.

11 Sunday
I am up early. The cow has come up and is lying by the cow pen gate. Milk, shave, dress, breakfast. Walk to city 7 1/2 mi. Mr. & Mrs. White overtake me in ___ of time and give me ride into town.

Sunday School just over as I enter church. Bro. Jennings preaches church Ex. sermon. Offering nearly $50.

Dine at Newcomb’s.
I preach at night. "The Exaltation of Christ." Small audience – good impression. Think I did fairly well.

Go home with Tom Curry & wife, spend night very pleasantly in their beautiful new home.

12 Monday
Curry, wife and daughter bring me home in auto. Cool weather till about noon, then very warm for most of day. Several papers furnish reading for the day.

Ray gets wagon stalled in water hole. I pull off and go in water and tug – give it up. Go to house. In couple of hours Ray drives up with two barrels of water. He "will make good!"

(pg 105)

15 Thursday
This is the last day of my delightful sojourn with the loved ones on the Ray Ranch. Gather up my scattered belongings. Get my trunk and grips ready. About 11 a.m. Ray and I in wagon start to town. Buy ticket, check trunk, get lunch. Get box of fruit for the children. Bid Ray goodbye.

Evening lunch at the Denver restaurant. On train by 6:40. Lower berth no. 9. Soon retire, and in sound slumber forget my sorrow at leaving the dear ones. How I shall miss that bright eyed little Winston!

16 Friday
Reach Ft. Worth about 7 a.m. Bro. Randolph at depot to meet me. Breakfast at Texminal Hotel.

Formal opening of T.C.U. at City Hall at 10 a.m. Bro. Randolph & I dine with the McPherson family at Worth Hotel. Spend little while at University quarters. Very encouraging opening.

Bro. Randolph takes train
for Stephenville and I for Weatherford about 3:20. Columbus meets me with buggy and I am soon at the pleasant home of the Irbys. These are truly congenial spirits. We talk till late – then to bed in pleasant room.

17 Saturday
On 10:15 a.m. train for Mineral Wells. Back in my old quarters at the Lattner’s. Papers and letters numerous await me.

18 Sunday
Small attendance at Sunday School. Fairly good summer audience. The Church Home – Church Ex. Subject.

Dine with Penix

Evening sermon: "The Prerogative and Preeminence of the Mother" 2nd Kings 4:19, 20. "Take the child to his mother."

25 Sunday
Came to Cisco yesterday. Home with E.E. Kean’s.

At Sunday School by 9:45. About 60 present. Small chapel nearly filled at 11. "The Exaltation of Christ" my subject.

Go to Aleck Ward’s for dinner.

Take ride in afternoon in auto to the new school bldg – Britton’s Academy. Call for short visit at Howard D’Spain’s.

Evening audience good – house full. "The Power of the Gospel" my subject.

26 Monday
Visit public school. Prof. Johnson principal. Splendid new bldg – make little talk to school.

Preach tonight: "Why Need of the Bible" Ps. 119:105-132. Small audience – some appearance of rain.

27 Tuesday
Leave in morn train for Comanche via Dublin. Call on Bro. Simmons at Dublin, and at C. C. Baxter’s store. Reach Comanche by 8 p.m. Find all well.

29 Thursday
Heavy down pour about 2 to 4.