The Kelsheimer family, father two children, sister of dead wife, start on their long trip with the body, for burial at her old house in Indiana.
3 Wednesday
Receive answer to my letter to the Fife Company. Fear the cost is beyond our reach. Will refer the matter to officers of church Sunday.
Call at the Johnson Home to see Miss Washfield, of Midway – child of old time Midway acquaintance.
Five of us at prayer meeting.
4 Thursday
A very pleasant day. Cloudy, and a little sprinkle.
Dine with Penix.
5 Friday
"It is more trying to be lied about than to have the truth which cuts come home to us." Trumbull
Called today Mrs. Geo. Hazlewood; Mrs. Pearl Jacobs Moore; Elder Mrs. Hand. Am not trying to make any regular pastoral calls.
7 Sunday
73 at Sunday School. Fair audience at church. "The Exaltations of the Christ" my subject.
Short conference with officers of church after services. Decide that we cannot employ the Fife Co. for our evangelistic meeting. Delegate Br. G.B. Stewart to write to J.O. Shelburne and others.
Dine at Penix. Very pleasant hour.
Evening audience good for the weather. "The Gospel of the Jubilee", Luke 4:16-20, my subject and text. This closes my year’s work with this church.
I start for few weeks visit with Ray, Zemula & Bessie tomorrow at Cliffside.
8 Monday
Leave on 2:30 p.m. Stop at Weatherford. Spend night with the Irby’s.
9 Tuesday
Leave on afternoon train for Ft. Worth. Go down in the city to see T.C.U. quarters.
On Ft.&D. 10:15 p.m. – berth no. 4 – car 3 – soon in sound sleep.
10 Monday
Arrive at Cliffside at 1:15. All well at the ranch. Ray working like a slave, but hard luck continues.
11 Thursday
Help Ray pull weeds in melon patch and try to kill some poison oak.
12 Friday
Go with Ray to town. Takes half day. ___ and 3 doz. ___.
Dine at restaurant. Get some Dallas news, and return.
14 Sunday
Zemula and I go in buggy to church at Amarillo. Hear Bro. Jennings on Practical Christianity.
Dine at Newcomb’s. Return home in afternoon.
Ray and I go back to church. I preach on Satan’s Tactics – prohibition sermon. Election comes off in this county the 27th. After meeting we return home.
15 Monday
Bro. Randolph’s birthday. I write him a letter.
Go on train to town at 7 p.m.
Attend prohibition rally at M.E. church. Several speakers. Mine first. Not a very large crowd of people for such occasion.
Spend the night with the Newcomb’s.
16 Tuesday
Return in Newcomb’s auto.
No mail at our little office, on account of bridge washed out on Canadian.
17 Wednesday
Mail today. Card from Carlton – first since their visiting. Letter from J.O. Shelburne about his helping in meeting at Mineral Wells.
20 & 21 Saturday & Sunday
Go to Amarillo on evening train. Stop with Bro. C.P. Smith. He, wife and eight-year old daughter constitute the family. Beautiful home.
At Sunday School on time – 141 present. Bro. Jennings preaches good sermon on Heb. 11 – Faith’s Victories.
Attend mens meeting at Baptist church at 4 p.m. Rev. Maples of Greenville delivers good address to large body of men. Bro. Jennings preaches prohibition sermon at 8:30 p.m.
Ray and I come home after meeting.
25 Thursday
It has been very warm all the week till today. Brisk norther, blew up just after midnight, and this morning is quite cool. Little shower of rain came up with it. Also light shower Tuesday night.
Ray takes two of his mares over to the ___ & Donaldson pasture to be bred to horse – stays all night.
26 Friday
Up early – anxious about Ray. Expected him to return last night. He comes in about 9 a.m. We haul couple barrels of water this evening.
27 Saturday
Ray takes me to town for the Plainview train – 10 a.m. Big day in town. Prohibition election. ___ ___ ___ of success. I feel little uneasy about it.
Meet Bros. Jennings and Howard at depot. Dr. Hall had gone home Friday. Left money for rail fare. Get to Plainview at 12:45. Met by Dr. Hall, who takes me to his home.
28 Sunday
Attend Sunday School in the new church. Hear bad news from Amarillo election. Go "wet".
I preach to small audience on "The Exaltation of Christ."
Attend meeting in Opera at 4 p.m. Mrs. Curtis delivered address.
Go home with Miss ___.
Meet Robt. Hanell, wife and some of his children.
Attend the educational rally at the Opera. Professor Gates, President of the new Wayland Baptist College delivers address.
Spend night at ___.
29 Monday
Bretheren present me with $5.00. Meet Chas. McCelland and Arthur Rattan, old AddRan students. Leave on 1:15 Amarillo train.
Stop off in Canyon. Spend night with the Marquis family. Take look over the new Normal building.
Attend the educational rally at the Opera. Professor Gates, President of the new Wayland Baptist College delivers address.
Spend night at ___.
29 Monday
Bretheren present me with $5.00. Meet Chas. McCelland and Arthur Rattan, old AddRan students. Leave on 1:15 Amarillo train.
Stop off in Canyon. Spend night with the Marquis family. Take look over the new Normal building.
30 Tuesday
On 10:05 a.m. train from Amarillo. Go to Sister ___ for dinner.
Call on Loving and few friends ___ town. Wait for Ray till 5 p.m. Then take seat with Mr. Boyles, walking from his house ___. Ray comes soon after.
31 Wednesday
Bad boil on middle finger of left hand. Gives considerable pain. Trying flax-seed poultice.
Sept. magazine ___ Outlook very interesting. T.R.s article on Rural Life very good reading.
Been here 3 weeks. Time slipping very rapidly.