July 1910

1 Friday
One rainless day. Very warm.

Saturday Evening Post interesting – as it always is.

Letter from Randolph at last. Tells me of Joe’s election to the Sam Houston Normal, and Holloway and Lou Ella’s trip to Boston to the N.E.A. Letter from Zemula tells of Roy ___ ___ ___ ___. He has traded couple of lots for team, wagon, farming implements etc.

2 Saturday
Very warm weather.

Disappointed in not getting to hear R.V. Davidson, who had been announced to speak here this p.m. Jas Wilson, lawyer of Weatherford, and Gibbs of Gordon spoke in behalf of Davidson.

3 Sunday
Up early. Bath, shave, dress. Go to 7 a.m. train to see Bro. Charles Goodwin and wife off for their home at Colorado.

Only 86 at Sunday School. Very small audience at church service. "Holy Days and Holidays" my subject.

Tried to have officers meeting at 7 p.m. Only four of us present. No meeting.

Evening audience small. "The Sure Election" my subject. Feel a little blue over the indifference of members. Many are out of town. Some exhaust through the week all their energy, and have none left for Sunday duties.

4 Monday
Street parade and other doings. I go out to the park in afternoon – stay about 2 hours and go out to Willow Pond where Geo. ___ is holding meeting.

Go to Gill’s for supper.

Pretty fair Monday night, holiday audience. ___ preaches on salvation by grace.

Return to Gill’s for the night.

5 Tuesday
Get early start and walk into town – about 4 miles – by 8:30. Make several calls this p.m.

6 Wednesday
Only three of us show up at prayer meeting. Adjourn without any services.

7 Thursday
Appearance of rain in afternoon. A little shower after night.

8 Friday
"Gratitude is seldom a source of love. We are not so likely to love those who have done most for us, as we are to love those for whom we have done most. Love grows through serving, not through being served." Drummond Trumbull

"I know that he was quite unfit to be a husband who was not prepared to be a father also." Robt. Stevenson in David Balfour

"If you want to interest people in a proposition, you must make it dramatic. That is why war is invested in barbaric trappings. A college professor is said to have attributed the lack of interest in his department to the fact that nothing ever happens in mathematics. If when an equation were solved it would give off a bad smell or blow up, he felt certain he could get crowds of students."

9 Sunday
"He who is willing to be judged by a low standard will never reach high attainment." Trumbull

Sermon outline ready for tomorrow.

10 Sunday
Up early. Bath in tub.

Review sermon and Sunday School lesson. Sunday School attendance. 119 – best of the year. Morning audience good. Miss Ruby Wilson, the blind young lady, sings for us. Subject of sermon: "Christian Chairty – 1st Pet. 4:8. Miss Wanita Duval, and elder lady Cook had their names enrolled.

Dine with Percy Smith.

Threatening rain, but only light shower, in afternoon.

Evening audience fair. "The Three Essentials" my subject. Hold the faith, open the mind; expand the heart.

11 Monday
Interesting pastors’ meeting. Bro. Brittain treats to fine ___.

12 – 13 Tuesday – Wednesday
Leave on early train for Ft. Worth for Stephenville. Meet Bro. Randolph. Pass the night with him at Holloway’s home. Supper and breakfast at Chandler’s.

Attend chapel and conduct exercises at John Tarleton Normal at 9 a.m. Dine at girls dormitory. Visit Mrs. Marquis and the twins. Sup with Judge King and wife, late from San Diego Calif.

Go on to Comanche this (Wednesday) evening. Lyman & family meet me with auto. All well. Pleasant night on cot by window.

14 Thursday
Go to the pavilion where Old Settlers meet. Some opening preliminary talks. Capt. Thos. Moore, chairman of the meeting.

I speak at 2:30 p.m. Only a few still enough to hear. Judge Goodson introduced me with a very fine and complimentary speech.

15 Friday
Some speaking in fore noon. Attend ball game in afternoon.

The sad and sudden death of Capt. Tom Moore brings shock to all the ___ in town. Just before beginning of exercises tonight while talking with friends, he fell dead as suddenly as tho he had been pierced by bullet.

16 Saturday
Leave on morning train for my Mineral Wells work, arriving at 6:40 p.m. Miss Hearne came with me from Ft. Worth.

17 Sunday
Awful hot day.

110 at Sunday School. Moderate audience at church. "The Sure Foundation" my subject.

Diner with Penix. Miss Hearne goes there. She speaks at evening lesson. Good talk on C.W.B.M. work and plans.

Too warm for much rest tonight.

18 Monday
Weather not quite so hot today.

Take train for Grayford [sic], but learn the meeting has closed, and get off.

At pastor’s association this morning.

19 Tuesday
Miss Hearne talks to the women at Ladies Aid – this afternoon on C.W.B.M. work.

20 Wednesday
Hear W.L. Crawford speak for Davidson at Lamar from 2:30 to 5:00. Made a strong speech, but it was greatly marred by profanity and sneers at the preachers and prohibitionists.

Good little group at prayer meeting tonight.

21 Thursday
Miss Hearne leaves on morning train. She is truly a very fine woman.

Excitement over the approaching election grows mightily. Go out to see sick lady, Mrs. Kelsheimer, very low.

22 Friday
Not feeling first rate today. Bowels troubling me some.

23 Saturday
Election day. Hard to guess how it will result. I am fearing for the worst. The decent people of the state are divided in to three parties; the vicious and ___ ___ on whiskey. ___ have only one candidate.

24 Sunday
"Colquitt will be the next governor. This is the news I feared and expected this morning. The children of righteousness are slow to learn the criminal folly of ___.

The smallest attendance at Sunday School of the year. Small audience at church service. "The Three Tribunals" my subject. Confer with church officers about Union services on Sunday nights during August.

Evening audience small. "Nathaniel’s Confession" my subject.

Meet Bro. Durrett and family of Ft. Worth, and Mr. Wells of Florida, father of Josie Wells ___.

25 Monday
Election news continues discouraging. "Baileyism" is in the saddle in Texas. His two candidates, Colquitt and Poindexter are in the lead. I am ashamed of my native state.

26 Tuesday
My old friend Sid Farley, ___ of San Diego, California came to see me today. Spent the day with him. We went out to the sick lady this afternoon – Mrs. Kelsheimer. Her wonderful pluck and faith still keep her alive, by favor of The Father.

27 Wednesday
Farley leaves on early train.

About dozen at prayer and Sunday School teachers meeting.

28 Thursday
Go out to see the sick woman this p.m. Seems better.

Have read interesting sermon on "Individual and Social Redemption" by C.R. ___ of Los Angeles, a Swedenborgian. Some excellent thoughts in it.

"Salvation is a man’s coming into his place of usefulness."
"Every person redeemed contributes to the perfection of all the heavens."
This explains why there can be joy in heaven over one sinner that repenteth.

29 Friday
Very trying weather – hot and dry. Go to the outdoor picture show and fire works tonight. Pleasant place. Fairly good show.

30 Saturday
The little suffering woman, Mrs. Kelsheimer died about 2 p.m. today. She was a brave little sufferer, and passed away in full hope and assurance of a home beyond the skies.

31 Sunday
Sunday School attendance 81 – Church attendance fairly good for the weather. Several visiting Disciples. Subject of morning sermon: "Satan’s Tactics". Good impression.

Officers meeting at 4:30 p.m. Talked about my vacation and future work. Will try to supply for the 5 weeks of my absence. Instruct me to unite the Fife Evangelistic Co. to try to get them for visiting in the fall. I have written at once.

Evening sermon: "Saved and Kept Saved". Sister West, formerly Miss Durel, united with congregation.