Second month of the new year – one twelfth of the year gone to reward already. Heavy rain tonight.
2 Wednesday
Colder today. Church neither lighted nor warmed for prayer meeting. No meeting.
4 Friday
Sunday School teachers meet with Miss Hill at Beach Hotel. Six teachers and several others present. Interesting lesson. Refreshments and social hour after lesson.
6 Sunday
Pretty cold. Sunday School 102. $4.25. Several teachers absent. About usual number at church services. Subject of sermon "Why We Need the Word of God"
Dine at Gates House. Misting rain during afternoon and at church hour. Small audience. "The Reason of Our Hope" the sermon. This church is lacking very much in church loyalty. Very insignificant excuses keep them from the house of worship.
7 Monday
About a dozen at open meeting of The Pastors’ Association. Subject of lecture "Religion in Business and Business in Religion." Could have done better, if I had time to get my subject better in hand.
Bro. Downs comes on duty next Monday.
8 Tuesday
Some snow and rain this (NOTE: line drawn through text)
Am taking my dinners at The Gates’ House. Appetite good, strength improving.
9 Wednesday
Call at the Clements house, north part of town, to see the old gentlemen is quite low.
About dozen at prayer meeting. "Forgiveness – Human and Divine", the subject. Interesting meeting.
10 Thursday
Some sun and little rain today.
Feb. Circle and Saturday Evening Post full of interesting matter, and I accept the invitation from the weather to remain indoors.
11 Friday
Cold and cloudy most of the day.
Sunday School teachers meet at Bro. G.B. Stewart’s tonight. Only half of the teachers, but goodly number of others. Interesting discussion of lesson. Social ___ after lesson. Next meeting with Bro. Thos. Stewart.
13 Sunday
Up early. Sermons, Sunday School & ___ all good ready by 9 a.m. Sunday School attendance 110; offering $4.75, Fairly good audience for church services. Sermon "Christian Monuments – Their Meaning and Purpose."
Officers meeting at 3 p.m. Seven present. Some important business attended to – Dr. Sanger elected elder in place of Bro. Wardell, moved away; B.H. Lattner, B.F. Smith, Boyd Cornett elected deacons. Mrs. Sadie Lewis Banks and Miss Rachel Stewart elected financial collectors. Deacons instructed to have keys made for church, and to keep it locked.
Evening audience better than usual. "What Makes a Christian?" my subject.
14 Monday
Only three of us at pastor’s meeting. About 6 persons came in to hear the lecture by Bro. Downs. He spoke on church finances.
15 Tuesday
A real April-like day. Possibly the calm before the storm.
Hear Judge W.B. Stubbs, of Nashville, Secretary of the Laymens’ Movement of the M.E. Church South. A very instructive and impressive lecture on the meaning and purpose of this movement.
Ate evening lunch at Marquis.
16 Wednesday
The storm is here. A drop in temperature from yesterday of some 50 degrees or more. Sleet and spits of snow with strong, cold wind all day.
Supper at Gates.
17 Thursday
Considerable snow on the ground this morning. Temperature about 12 above zero. Very late breakfast at Gates. Mrs. Lattner up. Resume my supper and breakfast at home. Still take dinner at Gates.
20 Sunday
Bright beautiful day. 103 at Sunday School. Fairly good audience at church services. Subject of morning sermon: "Why Christianity is Superior to All Other Religions."
Called at Marquis in afternoon.
Good audience at night. Subject of sermon: "The Reason of the Gospel’s Power". This closes the series of eight sermons of the "Reasons Why" series. I hope that the faith and zeal of some have been strengthened by these sermons. I have tried to make them plain and practical.
Good audience at night. Subject of sermon: "The Reason of the Gospel’s Power". This closes the series of eight sermons of the "Reasons Why" series. I hope that the faith and zeal of some have been strengthened by these sermons. I have tried to make them plain and practical.
Beautiful day. Take a long walk over the mountain in afternoon. Go out to Bro. Baukam’s. Return about 6:30.
Hear Tom McClain at night: Great Lecture.
22 Tuesday
Still very beautiful weather, but we are looking for the predicted cold wave. (I called yesterday on Mrs. Gray, a new comer to our city. Her two little children attend our Sunday School. She has been with our N.P. folks. She is a sister of Mrs. D. Baker, of Granbury.)
Ride out in buggy with Robt. Marquis to Mr. Newton’s to look at his white leghorn flock. He has them for sale.
23 Wednesday
The cold wave is here. Freezing, cloudy, little snow spits. Breaks up again over prayer meeting.
24 Thursday
Pretty day.
Send "Call of Dan Matthews" to Zemula. Finish "The Circuit Riders Wife" in Saturday Evening Post. A remarkably well-written story – full of truth and good philosophy.
25 Friday
Go to Weatherford this afternoon. Bro. Livengood and I exchange pulpits for Sunday. Stay with the Irby’s.
26 Saturday
Bro. Livengood calls at Dr. Irby’s to see me. I go to courthouse in afternoon to hear Cone Johnson. Splendid address.
Elizabeth Irby Mobley returns tonight with Alfred, who is sick – from T.C.U.
27 Sunday
Bright beautiful day. Am very glad especially on Bro. Livengood’s account. As it is his first visit to Mineral Wells, I am very desirous that he has a good hearing.
Am in time for Sunday School at The Weatherford Central. Am much pleased with the ___ ___ system. J.C. Alsup is an excellent superintendent and teacher. 74 present. $2.50 collection. Good audience at church services. "The ___ in Missions", my subject. Many congratulations.
In afternoon at Irby’s had pleasant visit by Judge McCall and wife and son Ed and Fritz Lanham and wife.
Evening audience at The Central good. "My Christianity is Superior to All Other Religions" my subject. Good impression.
28 Monday
Another month of the new year gone – one sixth of the year. I return to Mineral Wells on morning train. Alfred Irby still pretty sick, but better than last night. Find some mail on my return.
Hear Johnson again here this afternoon. He is the man we want for governor, if we are looking for a competent, clean, thorough-going prohibitionist.