March 1910

2 Wednesday
Changing weather. Take walk over to the lake with Marquis in afternoon.

Interesting prayer meeting. About dozen out. "Jesus The Life of Men" the subject. All took part.

4 Friday
Sunday School teachers meet at Dr. Sanger’s. Have interesting exercise. Good social time after lesson.

Meet next with W.H. Penix. Call on the Wickersham’s this p.m. Mrs. Wickersham's mother sick. Also on next door neighbors. Old lady, son and his wife. All members of Christian Church. None attend. Old lady too feeble. 12 yr. old daughter goes to Oak St. Sunday School – Presbyterian.

6 Sunday
110 at Sunday School. $4.25 ___. Bright, warm spring day. Church audience not large. Foreign Mission Day – $22.55 received. $25 on appointment. Will make that up. Morning sermon: "The Divine Plan for Building Up the Church." Sermon well received.

Officers meeting at 3 p.m. Elect Bro. T.G. Stewart for teacher of class No. 7. Vote to let Dr. Lowber come in April and deliver his lectures. Apoint committee to report on matter of individual communion cups. Secretary Treasurer found the time for report.

Evening sermon: "The Disbelief that Damns." Small audience.

7 Monday
At pastors’ meeting – Decide to begin our simultaneous meetings Easter Sunday - March 27. Each pastor to preach at his own church at night, and hold Union meeting at the M.E.S. Church in daytime.

9 Wednesday
Cool and cloudy today. Appearance of rain. Very few at prayer meeting. "Jesus the Truth for the World", the topic.

10 Thursday
Pretty sharp weather. All prospects for immediate rain vanished.

Letter from Carlton today – first in several weeks. Both well. Anna taking German and English Literature in University.

11 Friday
S.S. teachers meet with Bro. & Sister Penix. Interesting discussion of lesson -- Matt. 8:23-34.

Call on Mrs. John Wilson. She is very much troubled over the conduct of her husband. The poor, weak fellow has succumbed again to the demon of drink. He is taking the whiskey cure at The Roundtree Sanitarium.

12 Saturday
Getting ready for Sunday’s duties – decide to omit announcing subjects in the daily paper.

13 Sunday
Sunday School attendance 108. Audience fairly good. Several visiting friends. Two couples from Mo., Brother from Austin, Sister ___ Holloway from Midland.
Subject of Morning Sermon: "The Liberty of the Truth."

Dined with Marquis.

Evening audience better than usual – Subject of sermon: "The Sin of Not Doing."

Get things ready for start on early train.

14 Monday
Early train to Ft. Worth then to Granbury in afternoon – Med Hassler meets me at train. Go to his house, where I find Bro. Randolph.

15 Tuesday
Spend the day at Thorp Spring. Visit the cemetery. Dined at John Clark’s. Short visit to ___ Stewart’s and Hetty at Lewis’s place. Bro. Randolph returns to Stephenville.

16 Wednesday
Mary takes me to Granbury. Get shave, call at Hannaford's drug store, and Robertson’s.

Train at 11 a.m. for Ft. Worth. Dinner at Terminal, where I meet G.B. Stewart, Arch St and O. K. Woods. Interurban to Dallas by 3:30. Out to Bessie’s. All well – baby just fine.

17 Thursday
First session of State Sunday School Convention. Opening address by G.W. Truett, Pastor of First Baptist Church -- where the convention is held. Various interesting and inspiring exercises.

Bro. Randolph comes this evening, and goes out to Bessie’s with me for the night.

18 Friday
At Sunday School convention until 4-30 p.m.

To the city for shave and ticket to Midland. Ticket with berth $7.10. Out to Bessie’s for supper. On train at 8-00 P.M. Soon in my berth – number 12 – and asleep.

19 Saturday
Reach Midland at 2 p.m. Home at Wm. Elkins. Now for the morrow’s duties.

20 Sunday (Midland)
Sunday School at Midland in ___ with Pecos Sunday School. 214 present, 189 Bibles. About $15.00 offering.

The large church auditorium about half full at church services. Being Palm Sunday, I preach on "The Kingdom of God and its Triumphant Advancement."

Evening sermon: "The Power of the Gospel." Audience much larger than in the morning.

21 Monday
Not a large audience tonight. "The Reason of the Christian’s Hope" the subject.

Dine with Sanders Estes. Bro. & Sister Ford in our company. Go out to the new college building. It is a most excellent and well arranged building.

22 Tuesday
Dinner at A. C. Parker’s today. "Swell" dinner – 4 courses.

Better audience tonight. "Why I Believe The Christian’s Bible is the Word of God."

The main building of our university at Waco is destroyed by fire, catching at 7:30 p.m. Building valued at $150,000.

23 Wednesday
Bro. Elkins, Sr., Mrs. Will Elkins, Bro. & Sister Ford and I go out in auto to Bro. Butler’s for dinner. Delightful occasion. Excellent dinner.

"Why We Need the Word of God," the subject tonight. Audience smaller than on Tuesday night.

24 Thursday
With Will Elkins as chauffeur, our same company of yesterday go out to Bro. Hunter’s – some 9 miles – for visit and dinner. A very interesting and cultured family, comprised of Mr. & Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. Hunter’s mother, Mrs. Carr, a daughter 19 years of age at Christian College Columbia, Mo. One 5 yrs. of age, a very bright and interesting child.

"Why Join the Church," the subject tonight. Congregation much better than last night. Bros. Burkett & Martin, the Baptist & Methodist pastors both out. Bro. Martin has been out every evening since Monday.

25 Friday
Dine today, alone, with Bro. Wadley. Bro. Shirley returns from his trip South to look at some ranch land. Gets first news of the burning of T.C.U. – Takes train for Waco.

Small audience to hear what I regard as my best sermon: "Why I Am a Christian."

A very windy day and night. ___ Elkins, from Barstow, is here for a short visit.

26 Saturday
Very windy day. Don’t go out until afternoon.

Pretty good Sat. night audience. "The Reason of Our Confession" the subject.

27 Sunday
Easter Sunday School attended 266. Bibles 145. Contributiors 179; Contributions $20.76. Good audience. "The Great Demonstrations" – my subject. Had subject well in hand and delivered it with ease. One Sister united with The Church.

Dine at home – W.B. Elkins.

Evening audience the largest yet. The Presbyterian pastor, Bro. Jones, omitted his services and came to ours. Seven teacher training diplomas were given to graduates. "Christian Monuments – Their Meaning and Purpose", my subject.

28 Monday
One of the most windy days I have seen on the plains. To bad for meeting tonight. This closes our short meeting. I have done my best. The Lord did not give any increase.

29 Tuesday (Midland)
Wind veered to north west. Still very high. Was to have dined with Bro. Ford, but Sister Ford is sick. Dine at home - W.B. Elkins.

Bud Holloway lends me the amount I mentioned as sufficient for labor and expense - $65.00. A.C. Parker afterward handed me $10.00 as a donation from some friends.

Take 5:20 p.m. train for Weatherford. Get sleeper at Big Springs. At Weatherford on time, 5:40 a.m. Go out to Mineral Wells on 10:15 train.

Bro. Randolph is holding the fort till I come. Small crowd out tonight – rain has hindered. Bro. Randolph gives lesson on prayer.

We sleep together tonight, Wednesday 30.

31 Thursday
Bro. Randolph leaves on early train.

Small audience at M.E. Church. Bro. Mallard preaches on prayer – Good sermon. Small crowd out tonight. "Am I My Brother’s Keeper, my subject. After meeting go

to Lamar Pavillion [sic] to hear Poindexter. Pretty fair speech, but not much in it to scare the "saloonitics".