April 1910

1 Friday
Small crowd at M.E. Church. Bro. McAdie preaches on subject of "Power with God." Full of good thought.

More rain – no services tonight.

2 Saturday
Down pour for about 3 hours this morning. No morn services. Glorious rains all over central and Southern Texas. Not much on plains yet.

3 Sunday (Mineral Wells)
Clear, beautiful day. 93 at Sunday School. $4.00 contribution. Moderate audience at church services. "First Fruits" my subject. 2nd Sam 24:24; 2nd Cor 8:5 my texts.

Officers meeting at 4 p.m. Dine at the Wilsons.

Evening audience fair -- Subject of sermon: "Who Saves Man? What Saves Man?" An old fashioned sermon in an old fashioned way.

4 Monday
Went to pastors’ meeting, but found no pastors. Town considerably aroused over city election tomorrow.

5 Tuesday
Our women serve dinner today at Wylie Bldg. Clear about $43.00.

Election passes off in quite a spirited manner, and the result, I fear, bad for the town. John Willis the present and very efficient marshall is defeated by Jim Barnett – pretty good man, but supported by the beer element of the city.

6 Wednesday
Prayer meeting and Sunday School Teachers’ meeting combined. About dozen in all present. Interesting lesson. A Bro. Moore & wife from S. Dakota were out.

7 Thursday
Call today to see the elder Mr. George and the Norman family. This couple has been associated with our N.P. brethren. Good people – I hope they will unite with us.

10 Sunday
Entered after three weeks absence. Remember very little about audience, 108 at Sunday School, I believe. Subject of sermon: "The Sin of Not Doing."

Officers meeting at 4 P.M. to finish some matters left over from last Sunday.

Sermon at night: "The Conversions of Saul and Cornelius."

11 Monday
Start on early train for Belton to join Bro. Marshall in meeting. Go by M.K.& T. to Temple, on Interurban to Belton, by 5 p.m. Put up at Hotel Lyons.

Bro. Marshall preaches tonight. Good audience.

12 Tuesday
I preached at morning service – 10 a.m. 1st Pet. 2:9 – "Relationship and its Obligations". Good impression.
I preach again at night. "The Foundation Truth", my subject. Miss Prather, of T.C.U. trys [sic] to take down my sermon in short hand, but fails. Good audience, good impression.

13 Wednesday
Bro. Marshall preaches in the morning and I at night. My subject, "The Christian’s Bible is the Word of God"

14 Thursday, 15 Friday & 16 Saturday
I do the day time preaching and Marshall the night preaching. There are additions nearly every service.

We go over to Temple Sat. afternoon to hear Cone Johnson. Sister Williams, the wife of the pastor, grows worse.

17 Sunday
Bro. Williams is kept from the meeting on account of his wife’s serious illness. She had undergone a surgical operation for tumors on womb, and had about recovered from the operation when from some cause fever set up.

I preached morning service – (Sunday School 337) Subject of sermon: "The Paramount ___ "

Bro. Marshall goes over to Temple to deliver his "___" lecture. I conduct the funeral of an infant. Bro. Marshall preaches at night.

Sister Williams passes away during our service. A heavy sorrow falls on the entire church and city. Bro. Williams is very much loved by most of the people in Belton, and his wife shared the affection of all his friends.

Monday 18
The funeral of sister Williams conducted by Bros. Marshall and O’Malley, of Temple, was very largely attended. All business houses – even the saloons, closed for the funeral. A wagon load of flowers was taken out to the grave. Funeral at 4 p.m.

Bro. Marshall preaches at night. Good audience.

From Tuesday till Saturday we continue the meeting in the usual order. I preach in day Marshall at night. I preach on "The ___ Worth of Being a Christian," "God is Love," Lesson from Ruth; Prayer; "Danger & Sin of Neglect."

Sunday 24
Fine audience. Sunday School 387. I preach. "Why I Am a Christian."

In afternoon I preach at Baptist Church to women. "The ___ Woman" my subject. Marshall preaches at night.

25 Monday
Dine with the Garrison’s. No services today. I leave on 2:20 Katy for Dallas, arriving there at 8:15 p.m. With Bessie and Raymond by 9 p.m.

26 Tuesday
Go with Bessie and the little Winston on Interurban to Ft. Worth, on Frisco to Granbury. Mary and John take us out to Thorp Spring. I am night in the old home with Mary and Med.

27 Wednesday
Bessie & I go over to the graves and plant some roses. Mary takes us to train at Granbury – for Comanche. Arrive at Comanche by 8 p.m. Lyman with auto and all the family meet us.

Here we stay till Saturday morning – Take train for Ft. Worth, arriving on time. Put Bessie and babe on Interurban at 1 o’clock. Phone Raymond to meet them. I take 3:15 p.m. train for Mineral Wells. Find lot of mail. Hard to get mind on tomorrow’s work.