Beautiful day – save the wind.
104 at S.S. Pretty fair audience at Church services. Gen Gano is present and takes part in communion service. My subject: "Jehovah Our Judge, Lawgiver, King" Isa. 33:22. A missionary sermon.
Officers’ meeting at 4 p.m. Elect Ham Penix for teacher of class no. 5 in place of Robt Hale resigned.
Fairly good audience at night: "Joshua’s Decision" subject. Bro. & Sister Bain grand daughter from Hillsboro, unite with the church.
5 Thursday
Cool and cloudy all this week. Have made a few calls, and met the Sunday School teachers Wednesday night. Only few present.
Met three bretheren at the Norwood Sanitarium: Goodwin down with the rheumatism; his brother-in-law, Mansfield; a Mr. Richardson. All from near Colorado, Texas.
Have just read in the April 30 Outlook. Roosevelt’s address at the Sorbonne, Paris. April 23, 1910, on "Citizenship In A Republic." It is truly a great address. Here are a few of the many good things said:
"Finally, even more important than the ability to work, even more important than the ability to fight at need, is it to remember that the chief of blessings for any nation is that it shall leave its seed to inherit the land. It was the crown of blessings in Biblical times; and it is the crown of blessings now. The greatest of all curses is the
curse of sterility, and the severest of all condemnations should be that visited upon willful sterility. The first essential of in any civilization is that the man and the woman shall be father and mother of healthy children, so that the race shall increase and not decrease. No refinement of life, no delicacy of taste, no material progress, no sordid heaping up of riches, no sensuous development of art and literature, can in any way compensate for the loss of the great fundamental virtues, and of these great fundamental virtues; the greatest is the race’s power to perpetuate the race."
"He is no good citizen unless he has the ability which will make him work hard and which at need will make him fight hard. The good citizen is not a good citizen unless he is an efficient citizen. But if a man’s efficiency is not guided by a moral sense, then the more efficient he is the worse he is. The more dangerous to the body politic."
6 Friday"He is no good citizen unless he has the ability which will make him work hard and which at need will make him fight hard. The good citizen is not a good citizen unless he is an efficient citizen. But if a man’s efficiency is not guided by a moral sense, then the more efficient he is the worse he is. The more dangerous to the body politic."
Just finished "Son of Old Blood," in this week’s Saturday Evening Post, by Mrs. Corra Harris. "Pappy Corn", as usual is one of her heroes. This is one of her best -- full of philosophy, wit and common sense religion.
7 Saturday
Attend a Sunday School conference at M.E. Church conducted by Wiggins & Elsey. Talk by Wiggins, giving the latest department divisions of the Sunday School: The Elementary including from ___ roll to primary – 1 to 12; The Advanced; The Adult.
8 Sunday
"Mothers’ Day." Sunday School attended 119 – highest point yet reached. Had printed programs for the Services. Varied and interesting. Good and appropriate songs. Subject of sermon "Our Mothers." Good audience – good attention. Not satisfied with the sermon – rather too long.
Afternoon services for young people at First Presbyterian Church, by Wiggins and Elsey.
Union services of all churches at M.E. Church at night. Addresses by both Wiggins and Elsey.
9 Monday
Go to Dallas for the Christian Missionary Convention. Opening services of C.W.B.M. at 8 p.m.. Address by G.A. Faris, President of the Convention.
Bro. Randolph and I go out to Bessie’s for the night.
10 Tuesday
This is the Brotherhood Day. A full rich program. Men’s banquet at 5-7 p.m. ___ addresses there. The Manhood of Jesus, by J.W. Boynton, was one of the best.
11 Wednesday
Bible School Day. Many very excellent addresses.
Bro. Randolph leaves tonight. This leaves me alone at Bessie’s.
12 Thursday
Another great day at the Convention. Closing with temperance services at the First Baptist Church. J.H. Gambrell, W.P. Lane, Cone Johnson delivered addresses. Large crowd, splendid delivery. Clear and strong resolution temperance resolution.
Last night with Bessie, Raymond and the little Winston.
13 Friday
Leave Dallas on 2 p.m. train, reaching Mineral Wells on time. Gentle rain most all day, culminating in a down pour all night tonight.
14 Saturday
Raining this morning. Take breakfast at nearby restaurant about 8:30. Working on my sermon for tomorrow.
15 Sunday
Cloudy and showery. Only 89 at Sunday School. All churches omit morning services after Sunday School for the School sermon at auditorium. Fairly good crowd there, considering the wet day.
Occupied about 50 minutes with my sermon. "Jesus’ Program of Life". Sermon well received. Communion and sermon at church at 8:15 p.m. "The Unpardonable Sin -- Is Soul Suicide" the subject. Was not in my good time for preaching. Fairly good audience.
16 Monday
Hard rain this afternoon. Meeting apt'd for M.E. Church tonight to organize prohibition campaign. Not held.
Bro. Miller and little daughter from Midland go with me to Gates, and get room there. Number of boarders increasing considerably at our place.
17 Tuesday
Ten of the men meet at Methodist Church at 10 a.m. and organize the prohibition campaign. Jns. Birdwell elected chairman; Percy Smith secretary; Richardson, financial manager. Adjourn to meet at 3 p.m. tomorrow.
Cool and cloudy most of the day.
18 Wednesday
Heavy rain again today.
Just a few of us meet to arrange for the anti-liquor campaign. Phone Dr. J.H. Gambrell to come over Saturday for speaking on streets in afternoon, and _____ rally on Sunday night. Different places assigned to several of the pastors. I am to go to Tri__ Monday; Palo Pinto Tuesday; Cedar Springs, Wednesday.
No Sunday School teachers meeting to night on account of rain.
19 Thursday
Clear today. Attend school exhibitions tonight at Chautauqua.
20 Friday
Another dry day. Public school commencement tonight. Program rather long. Prof. Terrell, of the Terrell School, Dallas, delivers the address to class.
21 Saturday
Bright most of the day. Good crowd to hear Dr. Gambrell at 2-30 p.m. in street. A long and ingenious speech made by sour anti – a Dr. Lincoln of Dallas. His speech full of sophistry and false statements.
Clear today. Attend school exhibitions tonight at Chautauqua.
20 Friday
Another dry day. Public school commencement tonight. Program rather long. Prof. Terrell, of the Terrell School, Dallas, delivers the address to class.
21 Saturday
Bright most of the day. Good crowd to hear Dr. Gambrell at 2-30 p.m. in street. A long and ingenious speech made by sour anti – a Dr. Lincoln of Dallas. His speech full of sophistry and false statements.
22 Sunday
Fairly good attendance at Sunday School (106) and church. "The World’s Sunday School Movement" subject of sermon.
Dine with Percy Smith.
Night services omitted on account of the speaking at the auditorium by Dr. J.H. Gambrell. Threatening rain cut the audience considerably.
23 Monday
Bro. Ford and I start out this afternoon on our prohibition circuits. Go to Tri__ this evening. Supper at Penix.
Good little audience at school house. Speak about 1 1/2 hrs. Returning
home at Mineral Wells after speaking. To bed about 2 a.m.
24 Tuesday
Go to Palo Pinto. Stop with Bro. Ford. Moderate audience out at court house for speaking. Bounds, from Marlin, meets me in discussion.
25 Wednesday
Go to Cedar Springs, about 18 miles west of Palo Pinto. Supper at the elder Fitzgerald.
Speak in the M.E. Church. Good audience. Pretty good speech – about my best thus far.
Pass the night with Albert Massie.
24 Tuesday
Go to Palo Pinto. Stop with Bro. Ford. Moderate audience out at court house for speaking. Bounds, from Marlin, meets me in discussion.
25 Wednesday
Go to Cedar Springs, about 18 miles west of Palo Pinto. Supper at the elder Fitzgerald.
Speak in the M.E. Church. Good audience. Pretty good speech – about my best thus far.
Pass the night with Albert Massie.
26 Thursday
Return to Palo Pinto by dinner. Go to ___ ___ Schoolhouse at night. Small audience. Lights go out. Rather indifferent speech.
Return to Ford’s after speaking – about 7 miles.
27 Friday
Return to Mineral Wells by 10:30. Go to Grayford [sic] tonight. Dr. Lincoln meets me in debate.
Stay all night at Bro. ___.
28 Saturday
Home by morning. Election goes of quietly. Antis win by 136.Tired and mad, I am now in bed.
29 Sunday
Very warm day. Only 89 at Sunday School. Moderate audience at church. "Give Ye Them to Eat" (Matt. 14:16)
Dine with Percy Smith.
Small audience at night. "Demetrius" my subject. Some present day applications were made pretty forcibly.
Write to Bessie. Now to the inviting bed.
30 Monday
Dr. Alexander McLaren, who died on the fifth of this month, Manchester, was considered by many as the greatest preacher of the age. Sunday School Times of the 21st speaks of the secret of his power; personal bible study; the other, the place he gave to Christ.
Weather remains exceedingly warm.
31 Tuesday
The last day of spring according to the calendar, but the hot breath of summer is on us.
Dr. Alexander McLaren, who died on the fifth of this month, Manchester, was considered by many as the greatest preacher of the age. Sunday School Times of the 21st speaks of the secret of his power; personal bible study; the other, the place he gave to Christ.
Weather remains exceedingly warm.
31 Tuesday
The last day of spring according to the calendar, but the hot breath of summer is on us.
Seven at Ladies Aid this p.m.