January 1910

1 Saturday
Returned from my trip to Del Rio. Spent one week there with Jessie, Lyman and the children. How rapidly the years slip by, after we have placed a goodly number behind us.

I enter upon the fifth month of service with The Central Christian Church of Mineral Wells, Texas. I do not seem to have accomplished very much in the four months of service. The Lord give me wisdom and strength for a better work in the coming months of The New Year.

2 Sunday
Beautiful day. No fire needed in the church. Sunday School just recovering from the holidays. 80 present. Morning audience fair.

"Pressing Forward" subject of sermon. Phil, 3:13:14.

Officers’ meeting at 3 p.m. Long service. Much business attended to. Election of Sunday School Superintendent and teachers.

Evening audience fairly good. "The New Earth, Wherein Dwelleth Righteousness," the subject. 2nd Pet. 3:13; Rev. 11:15; Rev. 21:3.

Light diet these days. Trying to get my stomach in order. Half oyster stew and raw egg in malted milk the day’s rations.

Am reading by turns Carl’s and Annie’s Christmas presents: "A Certain Rich Man," Henry Churchill King’s Letters on the Greatness and Simplicity of The Christian Faith.

3 Monday
Cold and cloudy. Attended pastors’ meeting at 10-11:30. George Stewart speaker at M.E. Church tonight. Powerful address.

Sub. $2.00 per month to The Anti Saloon League. Regular sub. last year, also to the Prohibition Party work. Am disposing very rapidly of what little money I earn. Sent check to Bro. Bush for $10 today for The Aged People’s Home.

4 Tuesday
Begin week of prayer meeting tonight at 1st Presbyterian Church. Bro. Downs leader "The Sure Foundation" subject. Almost 12 persons out. Bad night. Meeting not very well known.

5 Wednesday
Snowing this morning. Clears up by noon. Pretty cold.

Read two chapters – Churchill Kings’ "The Greatness and The Simplicity of The Christian Faith" and several in "A Certain Rich Man", by Wm. Allen White.

I lead the prayer meeting tonight at Methodist Church. Almost 45 persons present. Subject "The Church of God on Earth".

6 Thursday
My stomach trouble seems to increase. Several vomiting spells during day and night.

Prayer service at Christian Church tonight: Bro. Brittain leader. Subject – "Missions The Necessary Expansion of The Christian Doctrine". Excellent talk from Bro. Brittain, followed by several others.

About 50 persons present. Weather pretty cold, but the streets not muddy. Attendance ought to be better.

Vomiting thru the night. Stomach trouble reaches a crisis.*

9 Sunday
In bed sick since Friday. Have to omit preaching today. Dr. Norwood is treating me – an osteopath. Think he is doing me good. Taking no nourishment but malted milk. No vomiting since Saturday. Considerable pain in stomach and bowels during the night.

10 Monday
Dr. Norwood added raw egg to the malted milk. Gives me treatment twice a day. Receive my January Circle.

11 Tuesday
Sit up good part of the day. This the day for me to start to Midland. Sorry to disappoint them. The first prohibition meeting I remember to have disappointed on account of my sickness.

16 Sunday
Poorly all the week. Stomach still bad. Raw egg and malted milk my diet. Got through the services of the day in fairly good plight.

Sunday School 101. Fair audience at preaching. "Deepening our Friendship with God" – subject of morning sermon. Audience not so good at night. Individual Responsibility the subject.

Not a very comfortable night’s rest. Stomach ache paining me all night.

17 Monday
Feeling poorly all day. Go to Dr. Norwood’s in afternoon. Vomit on the way. Take his treatment. Suffer considerably thru the night. Vomit once.

18 Tuesday
Not doing well. Vomit up breakfast of egg and milk. Dr. Norwood calls and takes me thru treatment. Advises raw steak for supper – just the juice.

Bro. Frank calls this evening, and takes charge of my care. Stays all night. Calls in Dr. Breeler, and they put me on course of medicine and diet.

19 Wednesday
Medicine acts well. Remain in bed all day. Comparatively easy from pain. Milk and toast diet principally.

20 Thursday
Sit up most of today. Read and write some. Suffer some in stomach in afternoon.

21 Friday
Walk over to Marquis’ to see the twins. Great deal of pain in stomach and breast. Stay but little while.

Dr. Breeler prescribes some mineral crystals in hot water to move bowels. Take three glasses by 10 p.m. No action tonight.

22 Saturday
Up early. Take another glass of hot water with the mineral salts. Some action after breakfast. Add soft egg to toast and hot milk for breakfast. Get shave at barbers in afternoon. Fairly good night.

23 Sunday
Up early. Bath. Breakfast. Revise sermon & Sunday School lesson. Beautiful day. 101 at Sunday School. Moderate audience. Education Day.

"The Duty of the Church Toward Education" my subject. Thought I made a pretty strong case, but a water hole as to results - $38.90. On appointment $150. Must do some still hunting.

Night audience fair. "The Magna Charta of Christianity" the subject – an analysis of "Sermon on the Mount".

Mrs. ___ Seamster united with the church at morning service.

26 Wednesday
About dozen at prayer meeting. "How May I Know That I am a Christian?" the subject. Very interesting and profitable meeting.

Regaining of my health and strength moves on steadily but not rapidly. Still taking medicine, and having light diet. Appetite being pretty good.

27 Thursday
Bro. Frank sent buggy over for me today, but I would not venture out in the dust storm – the worst I have seen since I came here.

28 Friday
Sunday School teachers meet at Bro. Penix. Six present. Profitable discussion of the lesson.

29 Saturday
Call to see John Wilson. Poor, weak fellow has fallen into the tempter’s snare. Talk, read and pray with him. He is a good, honest, truthful man, but has the demon of appetite for strong drink. We must save him.

30 Sunday
Weather much colder than the beautiful weather for several days. Some falling off in Sunday School attendance. Audience at church services fairly good. "Why Join the Church?" my subject. Receive hearty congratulations.

Evening audience better than the usual. "Why I Believe the Christian’s Bible is the Word of God," the subject. Good impression on audience. John Wilson and wife out. I hope he received help from sermon.

31 Monday
Pastors’ meeting at 10 a.m. Revise former resolution to have open meeting and lecture from 10 to 10:30. I am selected to open the program.

Still improving in appetite. Continue the little pills and before and after eating medicines.
Hear lecture ___ ___ ___ at Lamar Pavillion [sic] at 8:30.

February 1910

1 Tuesday
Second month of the new year – one twelfth of the year gone to reward already. Heavy rain tonight.

2 Wednesday
Colder today. Church neither lighted nor warmed for prayer meeting. No meeting.

4 Friday
Sunday School teachers meet with Miss Hill at Beach Hotel. Six teachers and several others present. Interesting lesson. Refreshments and social hour after lesson.

6 Sunday
Pretty cold. Sunday School 102. $4.25. Several teachers absent. About usual number at church services. Subject of sermon "Why We Need the Word of God"

Dine at Gates House. Misting rain during afternoon and at church hour. Small audience. "The Reason of Our Hope" the sermon. This church is lacking very much in church loyalty. Very insignificant excuses keep them from the house of worship.

7 Monday
About a dozen at open meeting of The Pastors’ Association. Subject of lecture "Religion in Business and Business in Religion." Could have done better, if I had time to get my subject better in hand.

Bro. Downs comes on duty next Monday.

8 Tuesday
Some snow and rain this (NOTE: line drawn through text)
Am taking my dinners at The Gates’ House. Appetite good, strength improving.

9 Wednesday
Call at the Clements house, north part of town, to see the old gentlemen is quite low.

About dozen at prayer meeting. "Forgiveness – Human and Divine", the subject. Interesting meeting.

10 Thursday
Some sun and little rain today.

Feb. Circle and Saturday Evening Post full of interesting matter, and I accept the invitation from the weather to remain indoors.

11 Friday
Cold and cloudy most of the day.

Sunday School teachers meet at Bro. G.B. Stewart’s tonight. Only half of the teachers, but goodly number of others. Interesting discussion of lesson. Social ___ after lesson. Next meeting with Bro. Thos. Stewart.

13 Sunday
Up early. Sermons, Sunday School & ___ all good ready by 9 a.m. Sunday School attendance 110; offering $4.75, Fairly good audience for church services. Sermon "Christian Monuments – Their Meaning and Purpose."

Officers meeting at 3 p.m. Seven present. Some important business attended to – Dr. Sanger elected elder in place of Bro. Wardell, moved away; B.H. Lattner, B.F. Smith, Boyd Cornett elected deacons. Mrs. Sadie Lewis Banks and Miss Rachel Stewart elected financial collectors. Deacons instructed to have keys made for church, and to keep it locked.

Evening audience better than usual. "What Makes a Christian?" my subject.

14 Monday
Only three of us at pastor’s meeting. About 6 persons came in to hear the lecture by Bro. Downs. He spoke on church finances.

15 Tuesday
A real April-like day. Possibly the calm before the storm.

Hear Judge W.B. Stubbs, of Nashville, Secretary of the Laymens’ Movement of the M.E. Church South. A very instructive and impressive lecture on the meaning and purpose of this movement.

Ate evening lunch at Marquis.

16 Wednesday
The storm is here. A drop in temperature from yesterday of some 50 degrees or more. Sleet and spits of snow with strong, cold wind all day.

Supper at Gates.

17 Thursday
Considerable snow on the ground this morning. Temperature about 12 above zero. Very late breakfast at Gates. Mrs. Lattner up. Resume my supper and breakfast at home. Still take dinner at Gates.

20 Sunday
Bright beautiful day. 103 at Sunday School. Fairly good audience at church services. Subject of morning sermon: "Why Christianity is Superior to All Other Religions."

Called at Marquis in afternoon.

Good audience at night. Subject of sermon: "The Reason of the Gospel’s Power". This closes the series of eight sermons of the "Reasons Why" series. I hope that the faith and zeal of some have been strengthened by these sermons. I have tried to make them plain and practical.

21 Monday
Beautiful day. Take a long walk over the mountain in afternoon. Go out to Bro. Baukam’s. Return about 6:30.

Hear Tom McClain at night: Great Lecture.

22 Tuesday
Still very beautiful weather, but we are looking for the predicted cold wave. (I called yesterday on Mrs. Gray, a new comer to our city. Her two little children attend our Sunday School. She has been with our N.P. folks. She is a sister of Mrs. D. Baker, of Granbury.)

Ride out in buggy with Robt. Marquis to Mr. Newton’s to look at his white leghorn flock. He has them for sale.

23 Wednesday
The cold wave is here. Freezing, cloudy, little snow spits. Breaks up again over prayer meeting.

24 Thursday
Pretty day.

Send "Call of Dan Matthews" to Zemula. Finish "The Circuit Riders Wife" in Saturday Evening Post. A remarkably well-written story – full of truth and good philosophy.

25 Friday
Go to Weatherford this afternoon. Bro. Livengood and I exchange pulpits for Sunday. Stay with the Irby’s.

26 Saturday
Bro. Livengood calls at Dr. Irby’s to see me. I go to courthouse in afternoon to hear Cone Johnson. Splendid address.

Elizabeth Irby Mobley returns tonight with Alfred, who is sick – from T.C.U.

27 Sunday
Bright beautiful day. Am very glad especially on Bro. Livengood’s account. As it is his first visit to Mineral Wells, I am very desirous that he has a good hearing.

Am in time for Sunday School at The Weatherford Central. Am much pleased with the ___ ___ system. J.C. Alsup is an excellent superintendent and teacher. 74 present. $2.50 collection. Good audience at church services. "The ___ in Missions", my subject. Many congratulations.

In afternoon at Irby’s had pleasant visit by Judge McCall and wife and son Ed and Fritz Lanham and wife.

Evening audience at The Central good. "My Christianity is Superior to All Other Religions" my subject. Good impression.

28 Monday
Another month of the new year gone – one sixth of the year. I return to Mineral Wells on morning train. Alfred Irby still pretty sick, but better than last night. Find some mail on my return.

Hear Johnson again here this afternoon. He is the man we want for governor, if we are looking for a competent, clean, thorough-going prohibitionist.

March 1910

2 Wednesday
Changing weather. Take walk over to the lake with Marquis in afternoon.

Interesting prayer meeting. About dozen out. "Jesus The Life of Men" the subject. All took part.

4 Friday
Sunday School teachers meet at Dr. Sanger’s. Have interesting exercise. Good social time after lesson.

Meet next with W.H. Penix. Call on the Wickersham’s this p.m. Mrs. Wickersham's mother sick. Also on next door neighbors. Old lady, son and his wife. All members of Christian Church. None attend. Old lady too feeble. 12 yr. old daughter goes to Oak St. Sunday School – Presbyterian.

6 Sunday
110 at Sunday School. $4.25 ___. Bright, warm spring day. Church audience not large. Foreign Mission Day – $22.55 received. $25 on appointment. Will make that up. Morning sermon: "The Divine Plan for Building Up the Church." Sermon well received.

Officers meeting at 3 p.m. Elect Bro. T.G. Stewart for teacher of class No. 7. Vote to let Dr. Lowber come in April and deliver his lectures. Apoint committee to report on matter of individual communion cups. Secretary Treasurer found the time for report.

Evening sermon: "The Disbelief that Damns." Small audience.

7 Monday
At pastors’ meeting – Decide to begin our simultaneous meetings Easter Sunday - March 27. Each pastor to preach at his own church at night, and hold Union meeting at the M.E.S. Church in daytime.

9 Wednesday
Cool and cloudy today. Appearance of rain. Very few at prayer meeting. "Jesus the Truth for the World", the topic.

10 Thursday
Pretty sharp weather. All prospects for immediate rain vanished.

Letter from Carlton today – first in several weeks. Both well. Anna taking German and English Literature in University.

11 Friday
S.S. teachers meet with Bro. & Sister Penix. Interesting discussion of lesson -- Matt. 8:23-34.

Call on Mrs. John Wilson. She is very much troubled over the conduct of her husband. The poor, weak fellow has succumbed again to the demon of drink. He is taking the whiskey cure at The Roundtree Sanitarium.

12 Saturday
Getting ready for Sunday’s duties – decide to omit announcing subjects in the daily paper.

13 Sunday
Sunday School attendance 108. Audience fairly good. Several visiting friends. Two couples from Mo., Brother from Austin, Sister ___ Holloway from Midland.
Subject of Morning Sermon: "The Liberty of the Truth."

Dined with Marquis.

Evening audience better than usual – Subject of sermon: "The Sin of Not Doing."

Get things ready for start on early train.

14 Monday
Early train to Ft. Worth then to Granbury in afternoon – Med Hassler meets me at train. Go to his house, where I find Bro. Randolph.

15 Tuesday
Spend the day at Thorp Spring. Visit the cemetery. Dined at John Clark’s. Short visit to ___ Stewart’s and Hetty at Lewis’s place. Bro. Randolph returns to Stephenville.

16 Wednesday
Mary takes me to Granbury. Get shave, call at Hannaford's drug store, and Robertson’s.

Train at 11 a.m. for Ft. Worth. Dinner at Terminal, where I meet G.B. Stewart, Arch St and O. K. Woods. Interurban to Dallas by 3:30. Out to Bessie’s. All well – baby just fine.

17 Thursday
First session of State Sunday School Convention. Opening address by G.W. Truett, Pastor of First Baptist Church -- where the convention is held. Various interesting and inspiring exercises.

Bro. Randolph comes this evening, and goes out to Bessie’s with me for the night.

18 Friday
At Sunday School convention until 4-30 p.m.

To the city for shave and ticket to Midland. Ticket with berth $7.10. Out to Bessie’s for supper. On train at 8-00 P.M. Soon in my berth – number 12 – and asleep.

19 Saturday
Reach Midland at 2 p.m. Home at Wm. Elkins. Now for the morrow’s duties.

20 Sunday (Midland)
Sunday School at Midland in ___ with Pecos Sunday School. 214 present, 189 Bibles. About $15.00 offering.

The large church auditorium about half full at church services. Being Palm Sunday, I preach on "The Kingdom of God and its Triumphant Advancement."

Evening sermon: "The Power of the Gospel." Audience much larger than in the morning.

21 Monday
Not a large audience tonight. "The Reason of the Christian’s Hope" the subject.

Dine with Sanders Estes. Bro. & Sister Ford in our company. Go out to the new college building. It is a most excellent and well arranged building.

22 Tuesday
Dinner at A. C. Parker’s today. "Swell" dinner – 4 courses.

Better audience tonight. "Why I Believe The Christian’s Bible is the Word of God."

The main building of our university at Waco is destroyed by fire, catching at 7:30 p.m. Building valued at $150,000.

23 Wednesday
Bro. Elkins, Sr., Mrs. Will Elkins, Bro. & Sister Ford and I go out in auto to Bro. Butler’s for dinner. Delightful occasion. Excellent dinner.

"Why We Need the Word of God," the subject tonight. Audience smaller than on Tuesday night.

24 Thursday
With Will Elkins as chauffeur, our same company of yesterday go out to Bro. Hunter’s – some 9 miles – for visit and dinner. A very interesting and cultured family, comprised of Mr. & Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. Hunter’s mother, Mrs. Carr, a daughter 19 years of age at Christian College Columbia, Mo. One 5 yrs. of age, a very bright and interesting child.

"Why Join the Church," the subject tonight. Congregation much better than last night. Bros. Burkett & Martin, the Baptist & Methodist pastors both out. Bro. Martin has been out every evening since Monday.

25 Friday
Dine today, alone, with Bro. Wadley. Bro. Shirley returns from his trip South to look at some ranch land. Gets first news of the burning of T.C.U. – Takes train for Waco.

Small audience to hear what I regard as my best sermon: "Why I Am a Christian."

A very windy day and night. ___ Elkins, from Barstow, is here for a short visit.

26 Saturday
Very windy day. Don’t go out until afternoon.

Pretty good Sat. night audience. "The Reason of Our Confession" the subject.

27 Sunday
Easter Sunday School attended 266. Bibles 145. Contributiors 179; Contributions $20.76. Good audience. "The Great Demonstrations" – my subject. Had subject well in hand and delivered it with ease. One Sister united with The Church.

Dine at home – W.B. Elkins.

Evening audience the largest yet. The Presbyterian pastor, Bro. Jones, omitted his services and came to ours. Seven teacher training diplomas were given to graduates. "Christian Monuments – Their Meaning and Purpose", my subject.

28 Monday
One of the most windy days I have seen on the plains. To bad for meeting tonight. This closes our short meeting. I have done my best. The Lord did not give any increase.

29 Tuesday (Midland)
Wind veered to north west. Still very high. Was to have dined with Bro. Ford, but Sister Ford is sick. Dine at home - W.B. Elkins.

Bud Holloway lends me the amount I mentioned as sufficient for labor and expense - $65.00. A.C. Parker afterward handed me $10.00 as a donation from some friends.

Take 5:20 p.m. train for Weatherford. Get sleeper at Big Springs. At Weatherford on time, 5:40 a.m. Go out to Mineral Wells on 10:15 train.

Bro. Randolph is holding the fort till I come. Small crowd out tonight – rain has hindered. Bro. Randolph gives lesson on prayer.

We sleep together tonight, Wednesday 30.

31 Thursday
Bro. Randolph leaves on early train.

Small audience at M.E. Church. Bro. Mallard preaches on prayer – Good sermon. Small crowd out tonight. "Am I My Brother’s Keeper, my subject. After meeting go

to Lamar Pavillion [sic] to hear Poindexter. Pretty fair speech, but not much in it to scare the "saloonitics".

April 1910

1 Friday
Small crowd at M.E. Church. Bro. McAdie preaches on subject of "Power with God." Full of good thought.

More rain – no services tonight.

2 Saturday
Down pour for about 3 hours this morning. No morn services. Glorious rains all over central and Southern Texas. Not much on plains yet.

3 Sunday (Mineral Wells)
Clear, beautiful day. 93 at Sunday School. $4.00 contribution. Moderate audience at church services. "First Fruits" my subject. 2nd Sam 24:24; 2nd Cor 8:5 my texts.

Officers meeting at 4 p.m. Dine at the Wilsons.

Evening audience fair -- Subject of sermon: "Who Saves Man? What Saves Man?" An old fashioned sermon in an old fashioned way.

4 Monday
Went to pastors’ meeting, but found no pastors. Town considerably aroused over city election tomorrow.

5 Tuesday
Our women serve dinner today at Wylie Bldg. Clear about $43.00.

Election passes off in quite a spirited manner, and the result, I fear, bad for the town. John Willis the present and very efficient marshall is defeated by Jim Barnett – pretty good man, but supported by the beer element of the city.

6 Wednesday
Prayer meeting and Sunday School Teachers’ meeting combined. About dozen in all present. Interesting lesson. A Bro. Moore & wife from S. Dakota were out.

7 Thursday
Call today to see the elder Mr. George and the Norman family. This couple has been associated with our N.P. brethren. Good people – I hope they will unite with us.

10 Sunday
Entered after three weeks absence. Remember very little about audience, 108 at Sunday School, I believe. Subject of sermon: "The Sin of Not Doing."

Officers meeting at 4 P.M. to finish some matters left over from last Sunday.

Sermon at night: "The Conversions of Saul and Cornelius."

11 Monday
Start on early train for Belton to join Bro. Marshall in meeting. Go by M.K.& T. to Temple, on Interurban to Belton, by 5 p.m. Put up at Hotel Lyons.

Bro. Marshall preaches tonight. Good audience.

12 Tuesday
I preached at morning service – 10 a.m. 1st Pet. 2:9 – "Relationship and its Obligations". Good impression.
I preach again at night. "The Foundation Truth", my subject. Miss Prather, of T.C.U. trys [sic] to take down my sermon in short hand, but fails. Good audience, good impression.

13 Wednesday
Bro. Marshall preaches in the morning and I at night. My subject, "The Christian’s Bible is the Word of God"

14 Thursday, 15 Friday & 16 Saturday
I do the day time preaching and Marshall the night preaching. There are additions nearly every service.

We go over to Temple Sat. afternoon to hear Cone Johnson. Sister Williams, the wife of the pastor, grows worse.

17 Sunday
Bro. Williams is kept from the meeting on account of his wife’s serious illness. She had undergone a surgical operation for tumors on womb, and had about recovered from the operation when from some cause fever set up.

I preached morning service – (Sunday School 337) Subject of sermon: "The Paramount ___ "

Bro. Marshall goes over to Temple to deliver his "___" lecture. I conduct the funeral of an infant. Bro. Marshall preaches at night.

Sister Williams passes away during our service. A heavy sorrow falls on the entire church and city. Bro. Williams is very much loved by most of the people in Belton, and his wife shared the affection of all his friends.

Monday 18
The funeral of sister Williams conducted by Bros. Marshall and O’Malley, of Temple, was very largely attended. All business houses – even the saloons, closed for the funeral. A wagon load of flowers was taken out to the grave. Funeral at 4 p.m.

Bro. Marshall preaches at night. Good audience.

From Tuesday till Saturday we continue the meeting in the usual order. I preach in day Marshall at night. I preach on "The ___ Worth of Being a Christian," "God is Love," Lesson from Ruth; Prayer; "Danger & Sin of Neglect."

Sunday 24
Fine audience. Sunday School 387. I preach. "Why I Am a Christian."

In afternoon I preach at Baptist Church to women. "The ___ Woman" my subject. Marshall preaches at night.

25 Monday
Dine with the Garrison’s. No services today. I leave on 2:20 Katy for Dallas, arriving there at 8:15 p.m. With Bessie and Raymond by 9 p.m.

26 Tuesday
Go with Bessie and the little Winston on Interurban to Ft. Worth, on Frisco to Granbury. Mary and John take us out to Thorp Spring. I am night in the old home with Mary and Med.

27 Wednesday
Bessie & I go over to the graves and plant some roses. Mary takes us to train at Granbury – for Comanche. Arrive at Comanche by 8 p.m. Lyman with auto and all the family meet us.

Here we stay till Saturday morning – Take train for Ft. Worth, arriving on time. Put Bessie and babe on Interurban at 1 o’clock. Phone Raymond to meet them. I take 3:15 p.m. train for Mineral Wells. Find lot of mail. Hard to get mind on tomorrow’s work.

May 1910

1 Sunday
Beautiful day – save the wind.

104 at S.S. Pretty fair audience at Church services. Gen Gano is present and takes part in communion service. My subject: "Jehovah Our Judge, Lawgiver, King" Isa. 33:22. A missionary sermon.

Officers’ meeting at 4 p.m. Elect Ham Penix for teacher of class no. 5 in place of Robt Hale resigned.

Fairly good audience at night: "Joshua’s Decision" subject. Bro. & Sister Bain grand daughter from Hillsboro, unite with the church.

5 Thursday
Cool and cloudy all this week. Have made a few calls, and met the Sunday School teachers Wednesday night. Only few present.

Met three bretheren at the Norwood Sanitarium: Goodwin down with the rheumatism; his brother-in-law, Mansfield; a Mr. Richardson. All from near Colorado, Texas.

Have just read in the April 30 Outlook. Roosevelt’s address at the Sorbonne, Paris. April 23, 1910, on "Citizenship In A Republic." It is truly a great address. Here are a few of the many good things said:

"Finally, even more important than the ability to work, even more important than the ability to fight at need, is it to remember that the chief of blessings for any nation is that it shall leave its seed to inherit the land. It was the crown of blessings in Biblical times; and it is the crown of blessings now. The greatest of all curses is the
curse of sterility, and the severest of all condemnations should be that visited upon willful sterility. The first essential of in any civilization is that the man and the woman shall be father and mother of healthy children, so that the race shall increase and not decrease. No refinement of life, no delicacy of taste, no material progress, no sordid heaping up of riches, no sensuous development of art and literature, can in any way compensate for the loss of the great fundamental virtues, and of these great fundamental virtues; the greatest is the race’s power to perpetuate the race."

"He is no good citizen unless he has the ability which will make him work hard and which at need will make him fight hard. The good citizen is not a good citizen unless he is an efficient citizen. But if a man’s efficiency is not guided by a moral sense, then the more efficient he is the worse he is. The more dangerous to the body politic."
6 Friday
Just finished "Son of Old Blood," in this week’s Saturday Evening Post, by Mrs. Corra Harris. "Pappy Corn", as usual is one of her heroes. This is one of her best -- full of philosophy, wit and common sense religion.

7 Saturday
Attend a Sunday School conference at M.E. Church conducted by Wiggins & Elsey. Talk by Wiggins, giving the latest department divisions of the Sunday School: The Elementary including from ___ roll to primary – 1 to 12; The Advanced; The Adult.
8 Sunday
"Mothers’ Day." Sunday School attended 119 – highest point yet reached. Had printed programs for the Services. Varied and interesting. Good and appropriate songs. Subject of sermon "Our Mothers." Good audience – good attention. Not satisfied with the sermon – rather too long.

Afternoon services for young people at First Presbyterian Church, by Wiggins and Elsey.

Union services of all churches at M.E. Church at night. Addresses by both Wiggins and Elsey.
9 Monday
Go to Dallas for the Christian Missionary Convention. Opening services of C.W.B.M. at 8 p.m.. Address by G.A. Faris, President of the Convention.

Bro. Randolph and I go out to Bessie’s for the night.

10 Tuesday
This is the Brotherhood Day. A full rich program. Men’s banquet at 5-7 p.m. ___ addresses there. The Manhood of Jesus, by J.W. Boynton, was one of the best.

11 Wednesday
Bible School Day. Many very excellent addresses.

Bro. Randolph leaves tonight. This leaves me alone at Bessie’s.
12 Thursday
Another great day at the Convention. Closing with temperance services at the First Baptist Church. J.H. Gambrell, W.P. Lane, Cone Johnson delivered addresses. Large crowd, splendid delivery. Clear and strong resolution temperance resolution.

Last night with Bessie, Raymond and the little Winston.

13 Friday
Leave Dallas on 2 p.m. train, reaching Mineral Wells on time. Gentle rain most all day, culminating in a down pour all night tonight.

14 Saturday
Raining this morning. Take breakfast at nearby restaurant about 8:30. Working on my sermon for tomorrow.

15 Sunday
Cloudy and showery. Only 89 at Sunday School. All churches omit morning services after Sunday School for the School sermon at auditorium. Fairly good crowd there, considering the wet day.

Occupied about 50 minutes with my sermon. "Jesus’ Program of Life". Sermon well received. Communion and sermon at church at 8:15 p.m. "The Unpardonable Sin -- Is Soul Suicide" the subject. Was not in my good time for preaching. Fairly good audience.

16 Monday
Hard rain this afternoon. Meeting apt'd for M.E. Church tonight to organize prohibition campaign. Not held.

Bro. Miller and little daughter from Midland go with me to Gates, and get room there. Number of boarders increasing considerably at our place.
17 Tuesday
Ten of the men meet at Methodist Church at 10 a.m. and organize the prohibition campaign. Jns. Birdwell elected chairman; Percy Smith secretary; Richardson, financial manager. Adjourn to meet at 3 p.m. tomorrow.

Cool and cloudy most of the day.

18 Wednesday
Heavy rain again today.

Just a few of us meet to arrange for the anti-liquor campaign. Phone Dr. J.H. Gambrell to come over Saturday for speaking on streets in afternoon, and _____ rally on Sunday night. Different places assigned to several of the pastors. I am to go to Tri__ Monday; Palo Pinto Tuesday; Cedar Springs, Wednesday.

No Sunday School teachers meeting to night on account of rain.
19 Thursday
Clear today. Attend school exhibitions tonight at Chautauqua.

20 Friday
Another dry day. Public school commencement tonight. Program rather long. Prof. Terrell, of the Terrell School, Dallas, delivers the address to class.

21 Saturday
Bright most of the day. Good crowd to hear Dr. Gambrell at 2-30 p.m. in street. A long and ingenious speech made by sour anti – a Dr. Lincoln of Dallas. His speech full of sophistry and false statements.

22 Sunday
Fairly good attendance at Sunday School (106) and church. "The World’s Sunday School Movement" subject of sermon.

Dine with Percy Smith.

Night services omitted on account of the speaking at the auditorium by Dr. J.H. Gambrell. Threatening rain cut the audience considerably.

23 Monday
Bro. Ford and I start out this afternoon on our prohibition circuits. Go to Tri__ this evening. Supper at Penix.

Good little audience at school house. Speak about 1 1/2 hrs. Returning
home at Mineral Wells after speaking. To bed about 2 a.m.

24 Tuesday
Go to Palo Pinto. Stop with Bro. Ford. Moderate audience out at court house for speaking. Bounds, from Marlin, meets me in discussion.

25 Wednesday
Go to Cedar Springs, about 18 miles west of Palo Pinto. Supper at the elder Fitzgerald.

Speak in the M.E. Church. Good audience. Pretty good speech – about my best thus far.

Pass the night with Albert Massie.

26 Thursday
Return to Palo Pinto by dinner. Go to ___ ___ Schoolhouse at night. Small audience. Lights go out. Rather indifferent speech.

Return to Ford’s after speaking – about 7 miles.

27 Friday
Return to Mineral Wells by 10:30. Go to Grayford [sic] tonight. Dr. Lincoln meets me in debate.

Stay all night at Bro. ___.

28 Saturday
Home by morning. Election goes of quietly. Antis win by 136.Tired and mad, I am now in bed.

29 Sunday
Very warm day. Only 89 at Sunday School. Moderate audience at church. "Give Ye Them to Eat" (Matt. 14:16)

Dine with Percy Smith.

Small audience at night. "Demetrius" my subject. Some present day applications were made pretty forcibly.

Write to Bessie. Now to the inviting bed.
30 Monday
Dr. Alexander McLaren, who died on the fifth of this month, Manchester, was considered by many as the greatest preacher of the age. Sunday School Times of the 21st speaks of the secret of his power; personal bible study; the other, the place he gave to Christ.

Weather remains exceedingly warm.

31 Tuesday
The last day of spring according to the calendar, but the hot breath of summer is on us.

Seven at Ladies Aid this p.m.

June 1910

1 Wednesday
Continue my visits to Goodwin at ___ Sanitarium twice a day. He has been walking out to pavilion on his crutches since Sunday.

Attend the 2:30 matinee at Mc___'s Tent. Good, wholesome play.

About dozen at prayer meeting & Sunday School teachers. Interesting lesson. Bro. John Smith, of Vernon was with us.

2 Thursday
A very hot day. Hot ___ wind from S.W. Thermometer 104º in shade. Unusual weather for early summer especially when there had been copious rains.

Free admittance to the McA__'s Tent for ministers, to see play "The Parish Priest." A very interesting and wholesome play.
3 Friday
Not so warm as yesterday.

See dramatization of an Indian story tonight at the McA__ Tent.

A good, gentle rain during the night. This is most timely. The hot winds of Thursday parched vegetation very much. Crop prospects very fine so far.

Am working on my commencement address for T.C.U. June 9.

4 Saturday
Pleasant weather after rain. Goodwin still improving.

5 Sunday
Fairly good attendance at Sunday School and church. Goodly number of visitors. Subject of morning sermon: "Church Government"

Called meeting of the church for 4 p.m. for purpose of electing officers. Small attendance. Five elders and nine deacons were elected.

Evening audience fair. "The Christianity of Christ" the subject.

6 Monday
Go out to ___'s for the day. Beautiful place – good orchard & berry patch too. Enjoyed the day.

Pretty heavy rain tonight.

7 Tuesday
Go to Waco for closing exercises of the university. Stop at the home of Prof. Parks. Look upon the old ruins from ___ for the first time since the great fire.

Attend ___ and ___ exercises at Central Church at night.

8 Wednesday
Clear day. Exercises on the campus. Dine with Prof. & Mrs. Cockrell – Clark Society gives reception for me 2 to 4 p.m. Have pleasant and interesting program. Make them a little speech. Stay with the Webbs.

9 Thursday
Commencement Day. Faculty and seniors capped and gowned. I ___ off. Exercises in Central Church. My address on "Your ___ with Your Alma Mater", receives goodly number of hearty ___ . Fairly well satisfied with it myself.

Alumni Banquet at Metropole Hotel at 2 to 3:30. Pleasant time.

Leave on 4:40 p.m. train for Ft. Worth. Then to Weatherford. The Irby home by 11:30 p.m.

10 Friday
Home by 6 p.m.

12 Sunday
Bright pleasant day – cool for time of year.

Sunday School attendance 116. Good audience at church service – many visitors. "Prayer that Prevails", subject of sermon, based on Sunday School lesson. Sermon well received.

Officers meeting at 7:30 P.M. Only few present. Treasurer’s report given. Learn balance due pastor about $90.

Audience small at 8:30. "The Tabernacle of God is with Men," the subject.

13 Monday
Call this afternoon to see Minnie Young, who is sick. Find her better. Call at Mrs. ___ – not at home. Call on Bro. Huddleston, and return letter from Bro. Faulkner, which he had sent meto read.

Attend the Tent Theater tonight. Play of "___ of Yale". Good play.

14 Tuesday
Call today on Palmer at lumber yard. Membership nowhere. Sensible man; has been with the N.P. Wife a Methodist. Call at meeting of Ladies Aid. Few present, but plan number good works. Decide to have church sociable Monday night. Ten at Mrs. Lattner’s Thursday 23.

Attend Tent tonight.

15 Wednesday
Call to see the ___, and hope to attend Sunday School picnic Thursday.

Only few at Sunday School teacher’s and prayer meeting.

16 Thursday
Union Sunday School picnic at Elmhurst Park. Pleasant day, good crowd, happy hearts and wholesome recreation.

Go out early and return at 5 p.m. Meet Tom ___ & wife, of Comanche.

18 Saturday
The day for Roosevelt’s return after absence of 15 months, hunting big game in Africa, and visiting ___ of ___ in Europe.

Prepare outline for tomorrow’s sermons.

Real summer time.

19 Sunday
Sunday School, including visitors, 125. $5.00 offering. Morning audience not large. Goodly number of visitors.

Subject of sermon: "The Divine Partnership." Thought I made fairly good effort. 1st Cor. 3:9; 1st Jn 1:3. Man is fellow laborer with God 1st, in redemption of the material world; 2nd, in development of ___ of mind; 3rd, in redemption of man from sin. I did not feel that the sermon ___ much interest. No congratulations – not even an invitation to dinner.
Bro. & Sister ___ ___ me basket of fine fruit.

Evening sermon: "The Cheerful Heart." Prov. 15:13 & 17:22; Phil 4:4. Better evening audience than usual. Cousin Edith DeSpain Granbury & husband at meeting.

20 Monday
My friend Goodwin’s wife and little babe arrive today. Goodwin is happy.

The church sociable arranged by our women, was a notable success. Good attendance of our members and several visiting friends. Bro. Brittain was present and contributed to the enjoyment of the evening.

Get new magazine card today. Take McClure & Munsey in first installment.

21 Tuesday
I have spent most of the morning with the last Saturday Evening Post. Always good, this month is unusually rich. "The Home Life of President Johnson" is especially interesting. I quote the following:

"Andrew Johnson was the only member of Congress from the South who resisted the wave of secession that was then sweeping over the South, and stood faithful to the Union. A man who represented a southern congressional district, and who faced, single handed and alone, the storm of secession that swept over his state, could not have been other than a man of indomitable purpose. Yet, in the ___ of his heart, in the ___ of his judgment, he turned to and leaned upon and was contentedly influenced by a frail little woman, so weak that she had to have her breakfast in her room, so feeble that she spent most of her time in her little
rocking chair; yet, withal, a woman whose soul was so pure, whose heart was so tender that she ___ a vision truer and sounder and keener than that of her rugged, powerful husband who had spent his whole life in the heat of conflict with the great world – a conflict of which she knew so little from her own experience."

I am pleased to see this closing sentence by Col. Crook, the writer of this article:
"And I wish to say here and now that there never was a more truly patriotic man in the White House as President than Andrew Johnson."

22 Wednesday
About dozen at prayer meeting. Interesting study of the Sunday School lesson. Few visiting Disciples.
23 Thursday
The ladies tea at Sister Lattner’s was a very happy event. Interesting program improvised. Very congenial company of ladies. $10.10 ___ into the plate.

24 Friday
Call to see Misses Cooper at Oak Cliff Cottage. Miss Reta Cooper is quite poorly. One Bro. Thos. Stewart who is off duty from stomach trouble.

At Lamar Pavillion [sic] at night to hear Rev. Mallard on ___ address, and witness installation of officers.
26 Sunday
Up early. Bath in tub. Review my sermon and Sunday School lesson.

Small attendance at Sunday School – 97. Audience at church service small. Subject of sermon: Reconciliation and Salvation.

Omit evening services, so that I may go to Palo Pinto to meeting.

___ Clark came for me. Arrived at Palo Pinto about 3:30. Small attendance. Organize county mission board. Stay over night and hear Bro. Webb on "Why I am What I am."

Spend the night with Frank.

27 Monday
Return to Mineral Wells in auto – $1.00. Good rain tonight.

Pastors meet at Methodist study.
28 Tuesday
Go over to Weatherford on p.m. train. Stay at Dr. Irby’s.

About 9 p.m. I unite in marriage Earle Doyle of Granbury and Miss Nelle McKinsey, 2nd daughter of F.O. McKinsey. No fee up to date. Suppose the young man will send it when he comes to himself.

Pass pleasant night at Dr. Irby’s.

29 Wednesday
Another good rain today.

Small number at prayer meeting and Sunday School teachers’ meeting.

Am reading one of Robert Louis Stevenson’s books – Kidnapped – loaned by Mrs. Irby.

30 Thursday
Another rain about noon and little after.

July 1910

1 Friday
One rainless day. Very warm.

Saturday Evening Post interesting – as it always is.

Letter from Randolph at last. Tells me of Joe’s election to the Sam Houston Normal, and Holloway and Lou Ella’s trip to Boston to the N.E.A. Letter from Zemula tells of Roy ___ ___ ___ ___. He has traded couple of lots for team, wagon, farming implements etc.

2 Saturday
Very warm weather.

Disappointed in not getting to hear R.V. Davidson, who had been announced to speak here this p.m. Jas Wilson, lawyer of Weatherford, and Gibbs of Gordon spoke in behalf of Davidson.

3 Sunday
Up early. Bath, shave, dress. Go to 7 a.m. train to see Bro. Charles Goodwin and wife off for their home at Colorado.

Only 86 at Sunday School. Very small audience at church service. "Holy Days and Holidays" my subject.

Tried to have officers meeting at 7 p.m. Only four of us present. No meeting.

Evening audience small. "The Sure Election" my subject. Feel a little blue over the indifference of members. Many are out of town. Some exhaust through the week all their energy, and have none left for Sunday duties.

4 Monday
Street parade and other doings. I go out to the park in afternoon – stay about 2 hours and go out to Willow Pond where Geo. ___ is holding meeting.

Go to Gill’s for supper.

Pretty fair Monday night, holiday audience. ___ preaches on salvation by grace.

Return to Gill’s for the night.

5 Tuesday
Get early start and walk into town – about 4 miles – by 8:30. Make several calls this p.m.

6 Wednesday
Only three of us show up at prayer meeting. Adjourn without any services.

7 Thursday
Appearance of rain in afternoon. A little shower after night.

8 Friday
"Gratitude is seldom a source of love. We are not so likely to love those who have done most for us, as we are to love those for whom we have done most. Love grows through serving, not through being served." Drummond Trumbull

"I know that he was quite unfit to be a husband who was not prepared to be a father also." Robt. Stevenson in David Balfour

"If you want to interest people in a proposition, you must make it dramatic. That is why war is invested in barbaric trappings. A college professor is said to have attributed the lack of interest in his department to the fact that nothing ever happens in mathematics. If when an equation were solved it would give off a bad smell or blow up, he felt certain he could get crowds of students."

9 Sunday
"He who is willing to be judged by a low standard will never reach high attainment." Trumbull

Sermon outline ready for tomorrow.

10 Sunday
Up early. Bath in tub.

Review sermon and Sunday School lesson. Sunday School attendance. 119 – best of the year. Morning audience good. Miss Ruby Wilson, the blind young lady, sings for us. Subject of sermon: "Christian Chairty – 1st Pet. 4:8. Miss Wanita Duval, and elder lady Cook had their names enrolled.

Dine with Percy Smith.

Threatening rain, but only light shower, in afternoon.

Evening audience fair. "The Three Essentials" my subject. Hold the faith, open the mind; expand the heart.

11 Monday
Interesting pastors’ meeting. Bro. Brittain treats to fine ___.

12 – 13 Tuesday – Wednesday
Leave on early train for Ft. Worth for Stephenville. Meet Bro. Randolph. Pass the night with him at Holloway’s home. Supper and breakfast at Chandler’s.

Attend chapel and conduct exercises at John Tarleton Normal at 9 a.m. Dine at girls dormitory. Visit Mrs. Marquis and the twins. Sup with Judge King and wife, late from San Diego Calif.

Go on to Comanche this (Wednesday) evening. Lyman & family meet me with auto. All well. Pleasant night on cot by window.

14 Thursday
Go to the pavilion where Old Settlers meet. Some opening preliminary talks. Capt. Thos. Moore, chairman of the meeting.

I speak at 2:30 p.m. Only a few still enough to hear. Judge Goodson introduced me with a very fine and complimentary speech.

15 Friday
Some speaking in fore noon. Attend ball game in afternoon.

The sad and sudden death of Capt. Tom Moore brings shock to all the ___ in town. Just before beginning of exercises tonight while talking with friends, he fell dead as suddenly as tho he had been pierced by bullet.

16 Saturday
Leave on morning train for my Mineral Wells work, arriving at 6:40 p.m. Miss Hearne came with me from Ft. Worth.

17 Sunday
Awful hot day.

110 at Sunday School. Moderate audience at church. "The Sure Foundation" my subject.

Diner with Penix. Miss Hearne goes there. She speaks at evening lesson. Good talk on C.W.B.M. work and plans.

Too warm for much rest tonight.

18 Monday
Weather not quite so hot today.

Take train for Grayford [sic], but learn the meeting has closed, and get off.

At pastor’s association this morning.

19 Tuesday
Miss Hearne talks to the women at Ladies Aid – this afternoon on C.W.B.M. work.

20 Wednesday
Hear W.L. Crawford speak for Davidson at Lamar from 2:30 to 5:00. Made a strong speech, but it was greatly marred by profanity and sneers at the preachers and prohibitionists.

Good little group at prayer meeting tonight.

21 Thursday
Miss Hearne leaves on morning train. She is truly a very fine woman.

Excitement over the approaching election grows mightily. Go out to see sick lady, Mrs. Kelsheimer, very low.

22 Friday
Not feeling first rate today. Bowels troubling me some.

23 Saturday
Election day. Hard to guess how it will result. I am fearing for the worst. The decent people of the state are divided in to three parties; the vicious and ___ ___ on whiskey. ___ have only one candidate.

24 Sunday
"Colquitt will be the next governor. This is the news I feared and expected this morning. The children of righteousness are slow to learn the criminal folly of ___.

The smallest attendance at Sunday School of the year. Small audience at church service. "The Three Tribunals" my subject. Confer with church officers about Union services on Sunday nights during August.

Evening audience small. "Nathaniel’s Confession" my subject.

Meet Bro. Durrett and family of Ft. Worth, and Mr. Wells of Florida, father of Josie Wells ___.

25 Monday
Election news continues discouraging. "Baileyism" is in the saddle in Texas. His two candidates, Colquitt and Poindexter are in the lead. I am ashamed of my native state.

26 Tuesday
My old friend Sid Farley, ___ of San Diego, California came to see me today. Spent the day with him. We went out to the sick lady this afternoon – Mrs. Kelsheimer. Her wonderful pluck and faith still keep her alive, by favor of The Father.

27 Wednesday
Farley leaves on early train.

About dozen at prayer and Sunday School teachers meeting.

28 Thursday
Go out to see the sick woman this p.m. Seems better.

Have read interesting sermon on "Individual and Social Redemption" by C.R. ___ of Los Angeles, a Swedenborgian. Some excellent thoughts in it.

"Salvation is a man’s coming into his place of usefulness."
"Every person redeemed contributes to the perfection of all the heavens."
This explains why there can be joy in heaven over one sinner that repenteth.

29 Friday
Very trying weather – hot and dry. Go to the outdoor picture show and fire works tonight. Pleasant place. Fairly good show.

30 Saturday
The little suffering woman, Mrs. Kelsheimer died about 2 p.m. today. She was a brave little sufferer, and passed away in full hope and assurance of a home beyond the skies.

31 Sunday
Sunday School attendance 81 – Church attendance fairly good for the weather. Several visiting Disciples. Subject of morning sermon: "Satan’s Tactics". Good impression.

Officers meeting at 4:30 p.m. Talked about my vacation and future work. Will try to supply for the 5 weeks of my absence. Instruct me to unite the Fife Evangelistic Co. to try to get them for visiting in the fall. I have written at once.

Evening sermon: "Saved and Kept Saved". Sister West, formerly Miss Durel, united with congregation.

August 1910

1 Monday
The Kelsheimer family, father two children, sister of dead wife, start on their long trip with the body, for burial at her old house in Indiana.

3 Wednesday
Receive answer to my letter to the Fife Company. Fear the cost is beyond our reach. Will refer the matter to officers of church Sunday.

Call at the Johnson Home to see Miss Washfield, of Midway – child of old time Midway acquaintance.

Five of us at prayer meeting.

4 Thursday
A very pleasant day. Cloudy, and a little sprinkle.

Dine with Penix.

5 Friday
"It is more trying to be lied about than to have the truth which cuts come home to us." Trumbull

Called today Mrs. Geo. Hazlewood; Mrs. Pearl Jacobs Moore; Elder Mrs. Hand. Am not trying to make any regular pastoral calls.

7 Sunday
73 at Sunday School. Fair audience at church. "The Exaltations of the Christ" my subject.

Short conference with officers of church after services. Decide that we cannot employ the Fife Co. for our evangelistic meeting. Delegate Br. G.B. Stewart to write to J.O. Shelburne and others.

Dine at Penix. Very pleasant hour.

Evening audience good for the weather. "The Gospel of the Jubilee", Luke 4:16-20, my subject and text. This closes my year’s work with this church.

I start for few weeks visit with Ray, Zemula & Bessie tomorrow at Cliffside.

8 Monday
Leave on 2:30 p.m. Stop at Weatherford. Spend night with the Irby’s.

9 Tuesday
Leave on afternoon train for Ft. Worth. Go down in the city to see T.C.U. quarters.

On Ft.&D. 10:15 p.m. – berth no. 4 – car 3 – soon in sound sleep.

10 Monday
Arrive at Cliffside at 1:15. All well at the ranch. Ray working like a slave, but hard luck continues.

11 Thursday
Help Ray pull weeds in melon patch and try to kill some poison oak.

12 Friday
Go with Ray to town. Takes half day. ___ and 3 doz. ___.

Dine at restaurant. Get some Dallas news, and return.

14 Sunday
Zemula and I go in buggy to church at Amarillo. Hear Bro. Jennings on Practical Christianity.

Dine at Newcomb’s. Return home in afternoon.

Ray and I go back to church. I preach on Satan’s Tactics – prohibition sermon. Election comes off in this county the 27th. After meeting we return home.

15 Monday
Bro. Randolph’s birthday. I write him a letter.

Go on train to town at 7 p.m.

Attend prohibition rally at M.E. church. Several speakers. Mine first. Not a very large crowd of people for such occasion.

Spend the night with the Newcomb’s.

16 Tuesday
Return in Newcomb’s auto.

No mail at our little office, on account of bridge washed out on Canadian.

17 Wednesday
Mail today. Card from Carlton – first since their visiting. Letter from J.O. Shelburne about his helping in meeting at Mineral Wells.

20 & 21 Saturday & Sunday
Go to Amarillo on evening train. Stop with Bro. C.P. Smith. He, wife and eight-year old daughter constitute the family. Beautiful home.

At Sunday School on time – 141 present. Bro. Jennings preaches good sermon on Heb. 11 – Faith’s Victories.

Attend mens meeting at Baptist church at 4 p.m. Rev. Maples of Greenville delivers good address to large body of men. Bro. Jennings preaches prohibition sermon at 8:30 p.m.

Ray and I come home after meeting.

25 Thursday
It has been very warm all the week till today. Brisk norther, blew up just after midnight, and this morning is quite cool. Little shower of rain came up with it. Also light shower Tuesday night.

Ray takes two of his mares over to the ___ & Donaldson pasture to be bred to horse – stays all night.

26 Friday
Up early – anxious about Ray. Expected him to return last night. He comes in about 9 a.m. We haul couple barrels of water this evening.

27 Saturday
Ray takes me to town for the Plainview train – 10 a.m. Big day in town. Prohibition election. ___ ___ ___ of success. I feel little uneasy about it.

Meet Bros. Jennings and Howard at depot. Dr. Hall had gone home Friday. Left money for rail fare. Get to Plainview at 12:45. Met by Dr. Hall, who takes me to his home.

28 Sunday
Attend Sunday School in the new church. Hear bad news from Amarillo election. Go "wet".

I preach to small audience on "The Exaltation of Christ."

Attend meeting in Opera at 4 p.m. Mrs. Curtis delivered address.

Go home with Miss ___.
Meet Robt. Hanell, wife and some of his children.

Attend the educational rally at the Opera. Professor Gates, President of the new Wayland Baptist College delivers address.

Spend night at ___.

29 Monday
Bretheren present me with $5.00. Meet Chas. McCelland and Arthur Rattan, old AddRan students. Leave on 1:15 Amarillo train.

Stop off in Canyon. Spend night with the Marquis family. Take look over the new Normal building.

30 Tuesday
On 10:05 a.m. train from Amarillo. Go to Sister ___ for dinner.

Call on Loving and few friends ___ town. Wait for Ray till 5 p.m. Then take seat with Mr. Boyles, walking from his house ___. Ray comes soon after.

31 Wednesday
Bad boil on middle finger of left hand. Gives considerable pain. Trying flax-seed poultice.

Sept. magazine ___ Outlook very interesting. T.R.s article on Rural Life very good reading.

Been here 3 weeks. Time slipping very rapidly.

September 1910

1 Thursday
Have letter from Lee Cennany, Weatherford. R.F.D. No. 2, offering $10 a month for our Thorp Spring home. Write him he can have it, if Bro. Randolph does not want it for ___.

2 & 3 Friday & Saturday
Hot winds – distressingly dry and windy.

Feasting on cantaloupes & watermelons from Ray’s patch. This about all he gets from all his planting – few tomatoes and few beans.

Carbuncle on finger still very bad.
4 Sunday
Not so warm today. Windy, but cloudy.

Jas Farley spends the day with us. Did not go to church on account of sore finger. Zemula & Bessie get up excellent dinner. Ice cream experiment a failure. No freezer.

Christian Courier received today. A short article sent two weeks ago not yet in print. Continuation of M.M. Davis long speech at Educational Convention. ___'s piece duplicated.

Outlook for Sept. 3 unusually good. Abbott’s tenth chapter on The Spirit of Democracy – In Government – especially good. "The Progressives Past and Present", by Roosevelt, first-rate.

I note some sentences of The Abbott article.
His definition of law:
"Law is the nature of the thing of which it is predicated". This definition is Hebraie in its origin, he says, and refers to the 19th Ps. as illustration. He does not regard this Psalm as two, as does Briggs and others. The first part of the psalm he thinks is speaking of the operation of the law in the physical universe; the latter part is its operation in the spiritual world."

"Liberty is voluntary obedience to self-enforced law."

"It is the understanding of law, obedience to law, the use of law."

"A man is not free to jump off the roof of a house and fly like a bird. If he attempts it, he will find himself on the ground with a broken leg and not free to walk on the earth. He is free to
fly when he understands the laws of aerial navigation and flies in obedience to them."

"A man’s relation to law may be either one of three relations: he may disregard law; he may submit to law; he may use law … Disregard of law is suicide, obedience to law is health, use of law is power."

5 Monday
Norther this morning. J. Farley left early while others were still asleep. Still very dry, and in middle of day very warm for Plains climate.
Nothing unusual on the Ray Ranch. Keeping the cow out of the home patch and out of Overhill’s sunflower patch gives pretty consistent exercise to Ray and me.

10 Saturday
Ray goes to city in afternoon for ice. The cow gets outside, and I hunt her till dark. Ray after returning hunts her by moonlight till 9:30 – no cow.

11 Sunday
I am up early. The cow has come up and is lying by the cow pen gate. Milk, shave, dress, breakfast. Walk to city 7 1/2 mi. Mr. & Mrs. White overtake me in ___ of time and give me ride into town.

Sunday School just over as I enter church. Bro. Jennings preaches church Ex. sermon. Offering nearly $50.

Dine at Newcomb’s.
I preach at night. "The Exaltation of Christ." Small audience – good impression. Think I did fairly well.

Go home with Tom Curry & wife, spend night very pleasantly in their beautiful new home.

12 Monday
Curry, wife and daughter bring me home in auto. Cool weather till about noon, then very warm for most of day. Several papers furnish reading for the day.

Ray gets wagon stalled in water hole. I pull off and go in water and tug – give it up. Go to house. In couple of hours Ray drives up with two barrels of water. He "will make good!"

(pg 105)

15 Thursday
This is the last day of my delightful sojourn with the loved ones on the Ray Ranch. Gather up my scattered belongings. Get my trunk and grips ready. About 11 a.m. Ray and I in wagon start to town. Buy ticket, check trunk, get lunch. Get box of fruit for the children. Bid Ray goodbye.

Evening lunch at the Denver restaurant. On train by 6:40. Lower berth no. 9. Soon retire, and in sound slumber forget my sorrow at leaving the dear ones. How I shall miss that bright eyed little Winston!

16 Friday
Reach Ft. Worth about 7 a.m. Bro. Randolph at depot to meet me. Breakfast at Texminal Hotel.

Formal opening of T.C.U. at City Hall at 10 a.m. Bro. Randolph & I dine with the McPherson family at Worth Hotel. Spend little while at University quarters. Very encouraging opening.

Bro. Randolph takes train
for Stephenville and I for Weatherford about 3:20. Columbus meets me with buggy and I am soon at the pleasant home of the Irbys. These are truly congenial spirits. We talk till late – then to bed in pleasant room.

17 Saturday
On 10:15 a.m. train for Mineral Wells. Back in my old quarters at the Lattner’s. Papers and letters numerous await me.

18 Sunday
Small attendance at Sunday School. Fairly good summer audience. The Church Home – Church Ex. Subject.

Dine with Penix

Evening sermon: "The Prerogative and Preeminence of the Mother" 2nd Kings 4:19, 20. "Take the child to his mother."

25 Sunday
Came to Cisco yesterday. Home with E.E. Kean’s.

At Sunday School by 9:45. About 60 present. Small chapel nearly filled at 11. "The Exaltation of Christ" my subject.

Go to Aleck Ward’s for dinner.

Take ride in afternoon in auto to the new school bldg – Britton’s Academy. Call for short visit at Howard D’Spain’s.

Evening audience good – house full. "The Power of the Gospel" my subject.

26 Monday
Visit public school. Prof. Johnson principal. Splendid new bldg – make little talk to school.

Preach tonight: "Why Need of the Bible" Ps. 119:105-132. Small audience – some appearance of rain.

27 Tuesday
Leave in morn train for Comanche via Dublin. Call on Bro. Simmons at Dublin, and at C. C. Baxter’s store. Reach Comanche by 8 p.m. Find all well.

29 Thursday
Heavy down pour about 2 to 4.

October 1910

1 Saturday
On early train for Mineral Wells via Ft. Worth. Call at T.C.U. for few minutes.

Back at Mineral Wells by 6 p.m. No letter from the Ray Ranch. Am anxious to hear about Bessie’s plans for coming down.

2 Sunday
Sunday School attendance 75. Small audience at preaching. "Be Ye Ready" the subject.

Dinner with Bro. & Sister Penix.

Officer’s meeting at 4 p.m. Committee appointed to raise back dues on song books and pastor’s salary.

Evening services omitted on account of revival meetings at M.E. and Baptist Churches. I hear Bro Coale at M.E. Church. Old fashioned orthodox sermon on Hell. Very forcible sermon.

3 Monday
Attend meeting of M.E. Church at 10 a.m. "How to be ___ ___" the subject of Mr. Coale’s sermon. Very strong, earnest sermon.

Palo Pinto County Fair opens today. Attend morning meeting at M.E. Church. Go to Fair afternoon.

Attend meeting at night. Mr. Coale is a very earnest, and I think sincere man. He is a little dogmatic and very bold.

5 Wednesday
Great day of the Fair. Street parade is quite creditable for small city. Great crowd out at Fair grounds. Do not attend the revival services today or night.

6 Thursday
Last day of the Fair.

Attend morning services at M.E. Church. Mr. Coale reads from what he calls "The ___ thiest chapter of the Bible" – Rom. 6. He differs from the most eminent Biblical scholars and commentators of all churches, his son as well.

Go to Fair in afternoon to baby show.

7 & 8 Friday & Saturday
Attend services at M.E. Church each morning. Fairly good morning audiences. Sermons by Bro. Coale full of ___.

On Saturday morning his subject is on "Perfect Consecration" – giving as illustration chapters from his own life.

On Friday evening I called at the Penix home and spent couple hours, talking over church matters.

9 Sunday
Sunday School 74 in attendance. Moderate sized audience. "From What and For What Are We Saved?" This is Christian Courier day. Take list of subscribers.

Omit evening services on account of the revival at M.E. Church. Attend the revival. Have preached to utmost capacity. Sermon on Heaven. Services protracted to late hour.

10 Monday
Get some other names for the Courier.

Occasional sprinkle of rain thru the day.

11 Tuesday
Bro. Ham Taylor of Palo Pinto died about 1:30 this morning, and I am requested to attend his funeral. Go over with Robt Hale in livery rig. Get there about 12:30.

Take dinner at Bro. Frank Clenis.

Funeral about 4:30 p.m. Large crowd out – exercises at cemetery. Thus we laid to rest a faithful soldier of the cross. In a few months of 65 years of age. Had obeyed the gospel some 34 years ago under preaching of Gen. Gano.

Promising rain all day, but only a light sprinkle in this part of the cemetery.

12 Wednesday
Very few at prayer meeting. Study the Sunday School lesson for next Sunday.

14 Friday
Card from Jessie tells of the advent of Bessie’s new boy, Thursday 13, 1:30 p.m. Mother and child doing well.

15 Saturday
Call by request to see the Misses Leslie, Wichita & Moore. Formerly of Waco. The younger sister wishes position as piano and ___ in some good school.

16 Sunday
Sunday School Rally Day. Attendance and offerings doubled from last Sunday. A very interesting and edifying program, taking all the morning hours.

Evening audience better than usual. Subject of sermon: "The Duty of the Hour"

17 Monday
Committee on church finances meets at W.H. Penix. Some very profitable consultation and planning. Appoint special committee of one to collect balance due on song books and piano; and committee to get up program for church rally, 1st Sunday night in November.

18 Tuesday
"God never needs to be persuaded to send us a blessing. But God needs to be enabled to send as the blessings that he is eager to send, by our permitting them to come, and by our establishing with him that connection without which he cannot send them. And this comes to pass in prayer.

As Stuart Holden has well expressed it: ‘Prayer is not the overcoming of God’s reluctance, it is the taking hold of God’s willingness!' God’s willingness is simply God’s will; and he cannot bless us, as he would, unless we take hold of his will, and let him make it our will." Sunday School Times.

John Stuart Mill said of John Sterling:
"Even by your mere existence you do more than many by their laborious efforts."

19 Wednesday
Light showers thru the day, and heavy rain tonight.

"A revival in Gods cause commonly begins by repairing the damages of the ___ which made the revival a necessity. If there is a coldness in the church, its best cure is not in looking up new converts, but through stirring up old members. A dead-and-alive prayer-meeting calls rather for more praying for the "saints" than for more ‘sinners’ to be prayed for." Trumbull

20 Thursday
All night rain, and a cool norther this morning.

21 Friday
Heavy frost this morning. Clear and cool all day.

Meet with committee at Dr. Sanger’s tonight, to organize program for "Rally Day" – Nov. 6 - 7 p.m.

23 Sunday
Bright, beautiful day.

Quite a falling off in Sunday School attendance. The Dallas Fair and other holiday attractions partly cause. Audience small. Preached from Luke 9:51

Evening audience some better. Subject "What Must I do to be Saved?" A question for both saint and sinner.

24 Monday
An interesting pastors meeting at Methodist Church, 10. a.m. This our regular time and place of meeting.

26 Wednesday
At Weatherford tonight – at Dr. Irby’s – on my way to Comanche to District Convention.

Got phone message of Katie Brockman’s death.

27 Thursday
Leave on 8 a.m. train for Ft. Worth – 3:20 p.m. for Granbury. Go out to Thorp Spring with Mr. Lewis in his buggy. Stop with Med and Mary.

28 Friday
Dr. Brockman and family, with sister Ida, Earl & Tommie and Lula Brockman Hills, arrive with the body about 9 a.m. Bro. Randolph comes from Stephenville at noon. Buried about 2 p.m.

Bro. Randolph and I leave on 5 p.m. train – he for Stephenville, I for Comanche. All well at Lyman’s. Bessie is up and baby doing well.

Convention open tonight. I do not attend.

29 Saturday
Exercises begin at 9:30 a.m. Brs. Randolph, Holloway and Stapp come on morning train. Fred Chandler, the president of the convention, not being present, Bro. Stapp is elected to preside. Several delegates present from different counties.

Program carried pretty well. Stapp, Randolph and I assigned to Judge Goodson’s for home during the the convention.

Bro. Owens, State Bible School, Secretary, Speaks at night in place of Bro. Mason, who is kept home by sickness of his wife.

30 Sunday
Speaker this morning. Good afternoon program by the C.W.B.M.

I preach at night – Luke 9:51. Good and profitable Convention. Much interest assured.

31 Monday
Spend day at Lyman’s. Delightful time with these dear ones.