Returned from my trip to Del Rio. Spent one week there with Jessie, Lyman and the children. How rapidly the years slip by, after we have placed a goodly number behind us.
I enter upon the fifth month of service with The Central Christian Church of Mineral Wells, Texas. I do not seem to have accomplished very much in the four months of service. The Lord give me wisdom and strength for a better work in the coming months of The New Year.
2 Sunday
Beautiful day. No fire needed in the church. Sunday School just recovering from the holidays. 80 present. Morning audience fair.
"Pressing Forward" subject of sermon. Phil, 3:13:14.
Officers’ meeting at 3 p.m. Long service. Much business attended to. Election of Sunday School Superintendent and teachers.
Evening audience fairly good. "The New Earth, Wherein Dwelleth Righteousness," the subject. 2nd Pet. 3:13; Rev. 11:15; Rev. 21:3.
Light diet these days. Trying to get my stomach in order. Half oyster stew and raw egg in malted milk the day’s rations.
Am reading by turns Carl’s and Annie’s Christmas presents: "A Certain Rich Man," Henry Churchill King’s Letters on the Greatness and Simplicity of The Christian Faith.
3 Monday
Cold and cloudy. Attended pastors’ meeting at 10-11:30. George Stewart speaker at M.E. Church tonight. Powerful address.
Sub. $2.00 per month to The Anti Saloon League. Regular sub. last year, also to the Prohibition Party work. Am disposing very rapidly of what little money I earn. Sent check to Bro. Bush for $10 today for The Aged People’s Home.
4 Tuesday
Begin week of prayer meeting tonight at 1st Presbyterian Church. Bro. Downs leader "The Sure Foundation" subject. Almost 12 persons out. Bad night. Meeting not very well known.
5 Wednesday
Snowing this morning. Clears up by noon. Pretty cold.
Read two chapters – Churchill Kings’ "The Greatness and The Simplicity of The Christian Faith" and several in "A Certain Rich Man", by Wm. Allen White.
I lead the prayer meeting tonight at Methodist Church. Almost 45 persons present. Subject "The Church of God on Earth".
6 Thursday
My stomach trouble seems to increase. Several vomiting spells during day and night.
Prayer service at Christian Church tonight: Bro. Brittain leader. Subject – "Missions The Necessary Expansion of The Christian Doctrine". Excellent talk from Bro. Brittain, followed by several others.
About 50 persons present. Weather pretty cold, but the streets not muddy. Attendance ought to be better.
Vomiting thru the night. Stomach trouble reaches a crisis.*
9 Sunday
In bed sick since Friday. Have to omit preaching today. Dr. Norwood is treating me – an osteopath. Think he is doing me good. Taking no nourishment but malted milk. No vomiting since Saturday. Considerable pain in stomach and bowels during the night.
10 Monday
Dr. Norwood added raw egg to the malted milk. Gives me treatment twice a day. Receive my January Circle.
11 Tuesday
Sit up good part of the day. This the day for me to start to Midland. Sorry to disappoint them. The first prohibition meeting I remember to have disappointed on account of my sickness.
16 Sunday
Poorly all the week. Stomach still bad. Raw egg and malted milk my diet. Got through the services of the day in fairly good plight.
Sunday School 101. Fair audience at preaching. "Deepening our Friendship with God" – subject of morning sermon. Audience not so good at night. Individual Responsibility the subject.
Not a very comfortable night’s rest. Stomach ache paining me all night.
17 Monday
Feeling poorly all day. Go to Dr. Norwood’s in afternoon. Vomit on the way. Take his treatment. Suffer considerably thru the night. Vomit once.
18 Tuesday
Not doing well. Vomit up breakfast of egg and milk. Dr. Norwood calls and takes me thru treatment. Advises raw steak for supper – just the juice.
Not doing well. Vomit up breakfast of egg and milk. Dr. Norwood calls and takes me thru treatment. Advises raw steak for supper – just the juice.
Bro. Frank calls this evening, and takes charge of my care. Stays all night. Calls in Dr. Breeler, and they put me on course of medicine and diet.
19 Wednesday
Medicine acts well. Remain in bed all day. Comparatively easy from pain. Milk and toast diet principally.
20 Thursday
Sit up most of today. Read and write some. Suffer some in stomach in afternoon.
21 Friday
Walk over to Marquis’ to see the twins. Great deal of pain in stomach and breast. Stay but little while.
Dr. Breeler prescribes some mineral crystals in hot water to move bowels. Take three glasses by 10 p.m. No action tonight.
22 Saturday
Up early. Take another glass of hot water with the mineral salts. Some action after breakfast. Add soft egg to toast and hot milk for breakfast. Get shave at barbers in afternoon. Fairly good night.
23 Sunday
Up early. Bath. Breakfast. Revise sermon & Sunday School lesson. Beautiful day. 101 at Sunday School. Moderate audience. Education Day.
"The Duty of the Church Toward Education" my subject. Thought I made a pretty strong case, but a water hole as to results - $38.90. On appointment $150. Must do some still hunting.
Night audience fair. "The Magna Charta of Christianity" the subject – an analysis of "Sermon on the Mount".
Mrs. ___ Seamster united with the church at morning service.
26 Wednesday
About dozen at prayer meeting. "How May I Know That I am a Christian?" the subject. Very interesting and profitable meeting.
Regaining of my health and strength moves on steadily but not rapidly. Still taking medicine, and having light diet. Appetite being pretty good.
27 Thursday
Bro. Frank sent buggy over for me today, but I would not venture out in the dust storm – the worst I have seen since I came here.
28 Friday
Sunday School teachers meet at Bro. Penix. Six present. Profitable discussion of the lesson.
29 Saturday
Call to see John Wilson. Poor, weak fellow has fallen into the tempter’s snare. Talk, read and pray with him. He is a good, honest, truthful man, but has the demon of appetite for strong drink. We must save him.
30 Sunday
Weather much colder than the beautiful weather for several days. Some falling off in Sunday School attendance. Audience at church services fairly good. "Why Join the Church?" my subject. Receive hearty congratulations.
Evening audience better than the usual. "Why I Believe the Christian’s Bible is the Word of God," the subject. Good impression on audience. John Wilson and wife out. I hope he received help from sermon.
31 Monday
Pastors’ meeting at 10 a.m. Revise former resolution to have open meeting and lecture from 10 to 10:30. I am selected to open the program.
Still improving in appetite. Continue the little pills and before and after eating medicines.
Hear lecture ___ ___ ___ at Lamar Pavillion [sic] at 8:30.